Ehh, this is more of an "almost never". Warranties are risk based. That's like applying for life insurance when you're on your death bed. If you are able to buy one that late into the game, it will be VERY expensive.
Ehh, this is more of an "almost never". Warranties are risk based. That's like applying for life insurance when you're on your death bed. If you are able to buy one that late into the game, it will be VERY expensive.
That sounds more like an evolutionary advantage.
Little known fact: Koala bears have a naturally altered brain where the right side has stopped all creative functions and actually only sends "eat more eucalyptus" signals to the rest of the body.
No lemon laws?
It's great!
The internet gave a voice to every human on the planet, including idiots who never should be given a soapbox in the first place.
I botted quite a few games over the years though I always did it for a profit. The first time you catch a ban is pretty rough and turns away 90% of your botters. Very few people bot for "fun". I think what made it easy for me was knowing that I wasn't directly ruining anyone's experience and I walked away with a few…
You would
and "is probably a racist."
Anyone? Come on, someone has to say it. Going to stay right here until someone does.
Oh come on, a few million people watched Pacific Rim...
Shyamalan version. Middle Earth is actually just a kid playing with an ant farm.
[Begin with Hobbitty/Shire Song] "MMYYYY PREEECCCIOUUUSS!!!!!!!" [Pippin Song] [Roll Credits]
What if my mom says it makes her proud of me?
I would just leave it at "Go Home".
So that's what is why my 3 monitor setup looks funky on Elite:Dangerous!!! Is there a standard way to set that up or do you eyeball it?
Right up until the point your two hours of farming goes up into flames thanks to a god damn neutron star.
I use multiple auto-uploading folders on a daily basis. This also allows for much more detailed control than average "scan to Evernote" capabilities.
Poop. So much of it.
Sometimes it's just easier to break out the gameshark.