
Used cars have no factory incentives, no model year change overs, nothing. They are based on the dealer's age in inventory. There is not a "best time" to buy used cars.

The key is that most, not all, model replacements happen in August. This is why August is the "best".

Haha, most consumers do not realize it, but TrueCar is anti-dealership and their best friend. TrueCar is killing the car industry by forcing dealers to sell their cars under invoice. The pricing document literally says "$_________ under invoice".

Seeing how TrueCar sucks the data from the dealers who are very dependent on their leads, I would hope they never share this data as it would begin the largest lawsuit the US has ever seen.

Great point. The deterrence factor of this thing out-weighs anything else.

Curious how resistant the device is to a single bullet, or am I being too naive to think someone could place a bullet right on the sensor or another sensitive spot to disable it. The actual video appears to be shot at a stationary vehicle, where-as the simulation is a moving target. The moving target would obviously

Wanted to leave this tidbit of thought. When you work in an industry that relies on selling their product or service (SO MANY), and your personal success depends on the success of those companies. These extensions that block targeted ads, or just ads in general are actually damaging your future! As impressions become

I've got to give StayFocused some props! I installed it about 60 days ago and allowed about 90 minutes per day for all my blogs, facebook, my personal email account, etc. As of the last 45 days I've got the duration down to 30 minutes and rarely hit that mark. In fact, the 20 minute alert just popped up for me.

I work

Also my first intro into the shitty/heartless potential of the internet. There must have been two dozen Columbine games on newgrounds after that incident.

but also, as you said, some incredible flash games

So I got a very nice TEC hand-me-down a few years ago. I recently tried to give the thing a deep clean and it really was painful. I was hoping for an infomercial-esqe, drop the grates in the fluid, wait an hour, and pull them out grime free! Greased Lightning seemed to work off a few layers and shine exterior

7. The moment when you press the power button and everything works.

So I recently began to use IQTELL to combine my use of Thunderbird, Wunderlist, and Evernote. It's built around the GTD (Getting Things Done) concept/practice/whatever. I bought the book, but low and behold... I can't seem to get around to read it. I work a 60 hour week as an entrepreneur and still fail to get

As my standard of living increases , I become more and more aware of how much I'd hate to have to give things up. While I was a broke college student, I was perfectly fine with hand-me-down furniture, thrift store clothes, and the occasional frozen meal. Now when I question my financial security I get anxious thinking

Usually a day off and a few beers contribute as well.

Even a LEAF's acceleration will throw you for a loop the first time. Never driven a Tesla, but I like to imagine it gets off the mark a bit quicker.

Getting into petty arguments on the internet is all I have left in life.

(Real Madrid vs Real Madrid - Good thing there's not a 'dive' button on the video game.)

This is actually the second time this week I've seen someone use fabric to build some form of cabinet. My first reaction to the black is thinking about maintaining the color. No matter how hard you try, that black cloth will

Speaking from experience (as in, the last 5 seconds of my day at work), if a dealership tries to check your credit before a test drive then they either have an incredible competitive advantage, or will be in a buy/sell in the next few years.

Yes it dings your credit, and it's a slick move by a lazy sales department.

I followed a guide a year or two back to use swivels from a tackle shop. The swivel action prevents the orientation of the other keys from making everything hard to handle. You'll have to try it to understand. It's extremely lightweight, zero bulk, and super easy to add and remove keys.

My wife and I rent a townhouse (it's too new to sell), apparently one of my tenants had a shitty boyfriend who got caught robbing the next door neighbor - clearly, an idiot. She promptly left due to a violation in the lease agreement. After struggling to find a tenant, the new one moves in and not 2 weeks in and the