
Right. I was 100% on board until they got to Apple. Still agree with everything else, but how is a phone supposed to know if it’s being used by a driver? I should be the car manufacturer’s job to make sure their cars aren’t crashing into things, not the phone manufacturer’s job to make sure people are paying attention

This is all very good to hear and backs up what most people and writers here have been saying for the past few years.

Seldom has Acronym Finder failed me, but it did in this case. My best guess was Best Day Ever. (And yes, I know that BDE technically isn’t an acronym, that being a word that can be pronounced, like radar or scuba, but that’s what they call their website.)


Why are people lumping nicotine vaping into this mass hysteria that has been created by tainted THC vapes? These deaths are not connected to nicotine smoking cessation vapes of any kind. Its their competition (big tobacco) who are losing out on billions of dollars that want this ban to be enacted.  Do your own

It’s 2019, Sarah. You can be in a relationship without spending much or any face-to-face time together. In fact, I knew people who were in relationships like that way back in the 90s. You may be right that they weren’t romantically involved, but the fact that they’d only met in person a couple of times isn’t evidence

“I’m a person who’s been through a lot...”

It’s almost like there are benefits to eating the Impossible Burger that aren’t purely health related.

That’s not the case. The trick to the Impossible Foods meat simulant is use of soy leghemoglobin, either soy derived or from a genetically modified yeast. It’s a genuinely novel ingredient.

Carl Jr’s does not serve the Impossible burger, they serve the Beyond Burger.

If you have pizza sauce that’s made out of veggies, then why put veggies on a pizza? Isn’t that redundant?

why would something that “looks” like meat be a problem. I’m a Vegan. I LOVE meat, it’s delicious. I don’t eat it anymore, because the way it’s produced is horrifying. It looking or tasting like meat has absolutely no bearing on anything. 

Are you complaining about someone using an elevator(that you’re also in, by the way) instead of walking up 4 flights, while complaining about... pushing a button in said elevator?

Ban college athletics.

All they can say, and therefore all I can say, is that I think they actually might realize this. They mentioned quite a few times that the turbo 2.5 would (obviously) fit in the 3. We’ll see where they take it from there.

Do they realize how much money they’d take from Subaru if they offered the AWD with a stick? I realize the sales of those are minimal, but I am one of them!

He probably viewed this as a low-risk vote. Murder in the commission of a felony or first degree murder of a cop is already a capital crime in most places, so it had little practical impact. I expect this bill was also introduced around the time that you had several cops shot while sitting in their cars, etc. so he

Bless your heart for thinking people actually bother looking back these days.

A little update, this was posted 2 1/2 year ago lol. Repo dude keep calling for about a month more then just stopped on his own. The last voice mail I got from repo guy was from a different number, of course, he was saying something about you think you can hide from me, I know you were at said friend’s house last

“Here’s some spare change to make us look nice”, - says monopolistic corporation.