
I disagree completely. As a software engineer, our scrum master is vital to our team hitting our performance numbers. Prior, our team was a mess getting pulled every which way. Our scrum master sorts these inputs for us and acts as a general project manager to liaison with project owners. Throwing more engineers at

There would be a MoCA adapter upstream of the cable modem. The coaxial cable goes into the adapter and out to the modem. Then that modem adapter is plugged into a LAN port on the router as a client.

Why are my posts always pending approval? I’ve been commenting for years and yet they are always pending?

A similar thing happened to me at the Honda of Downtown Los Angeles just 3 years ago. I came in knowing exactly what I wanted with money in-hand and I thought it’d be a fairly smooth process. I arrived at 9:30AM to test drive and purchase the car. After the test drive, I sat down with a sales rep and said I’d like to

That infographic would be a lot better if all of the people were the same size. Look at the height of the guy on the Double/Full compared to the Queen.

Cool, Sony needs to open up cross-play compatibility. If not with other consoles then at least cross-save like Xbox and Microsoft have.

Cool, guess everyone should just move back to cigarettes.

This is not true in the slightest. Men are held up to an ideal just as women, and it’s becoming more acceptable to shame men just as women were/are shamed; two wrongs don’t make it right. Men also have to deal with hair loss and balding.

Yeah but it came out 3-4 years after the first raid release? It’s an unacceptable QoL to rely on third-party websites for so long.

Ensure that the pipe is completely cleaned of the isopropyl alcohol. Either wait for it to dry completely or do a thorough job of rinsing and cleaning as isopropyl can be poisonous if it’s still on your pipe when you try to smoke it.

Does this even matter with backup cameras these days? I’ve had a backup camera for about 4 years and I don’t think I’ve looked back since.

I really love Audi’s Soho Brown Metallic and Volvo’s Light Blue Metallic.

I’ve been waiting for years for the MQB migration and they failed to deliver. I’m no longer interested in this car at all.

You all honestly think you get to where Chris Rock is, up to this point in time, by NOT letting white people say it?

They’re already doing this with how they tax cryptocurrency because they’re terrified of it. If those of us who make our living trading crypto are taxed as such then traditional trading should be taxed the same. 

Lol Jalopnik with the super old driving advice. The 9-3 standard has been a thing for at least 15 years if not longer. It’s to prevent your hands from being “de-gloved” by the airbags.

The point is that we don’t know how bad vaping is for you but all reports seem to indicate that it’s at least not as bad as smoking.

Charmed by that video. Trunk packing skills on point.

So all of the independent studies done are wrong/lying? That’s a ridiculous claim.