
Belive it or not, you can appreciate cars while also disliking the fact that a car show laundered Lost Cause propaganda.

That’s the thing right there. ‘Politics’ is a distraction and ‘we’re apolitical’ is a cop-out.

Well said, can’t give you enough stars.

100% agreed. I am a political lefty actively pursuing adding an EV to the garage, and will not buy or lease a tesla. Although they are the most price competitive, the biggest reason we won’t get one is Elon’s downfall into being a rightwing edgelord chad.

Jesus, yes, absolutely this would be it. 

As I was staring out at the bridge collapse from my office in the Inner Harbor this morning I was wondering how long it would take the Right wing morons at Fox and elsewhere to blame this on one of their hobby horses. Didn’t take long.

The “acting like an ass” is the key here. Even if you are completely smashed, as long as you keep quiet and don’t bother anybody, it’s pretty unlikely to get kicked off. The dude made a scene to get kicked off. 

That’s it. Dammit. (Throws sequel in trash in an exaggerated fashion)

I’m aware of both uses of the word, but seeing Johnny Depp in the headline, it could have gone either way.

Really! I was expecting something else.


These things are beautiful to boot. I can’t believe I typed that, but it’s true to me.

I mean, I clicked on the article, so well done. Calling @WayDude here. I thought airliners blow a tyre now and then and that it's not a huge issue? Happy to be corrected, though.

This. 3/4 of the flights I take are exactly as I booked them, and that last 1/4 is a crapshoot. “Oh, we decided to cancel that non-stop flight you thought you had, and put you one a flight with two stops!”

I guess if it makes you feel better, sure, go ahead and plan your travel that way. But I don’t see how the effort is worth the supposed gain. This is another example of how humans will ignore the most significant and most common risks to their lives and health, refusing to take even the most simple steps to be safer,

Thanks for finding and posting. The description of the Tesla tent makes my 30 year old Sierra Designs tent seem like child's play

My city has been removed car lanes and street parking, as well as adding bus and bike lanes. Despite all the skepticism, it works. Business is booming on these streets, traffic flow is better and less people are getting killed by cars.

I think the Subaru Impreza is vastly underrated car. Especially in 5-door guise. Yes, in no way is it an enthusiast car. But it is cheap. Well put together. Comfortable going down the road (though a little twitchy on the highway). Has AWD (if you are in to that sort of thing). Reliable in recent years. But the biggest

When in doubt, CX5

I don’t want to be internet crass, so I want to be clear that I am glad the driver is ok.