
Ok you got me :)

Yes please do lol “Allright, listen up motherfuckers!...

The best part was that guy she hit was a million mile passenger. It was his Million Mile flight, and his birthday!

Yeah, you can find some things like this on all planes (Boeing cough cough), unfortunately many of them get discovered through accidents. Thankfully this problem was discovered and rectified before anything bad happened. This wasn’t a space issue just something unintended like with bad code

Well get a minivan lol. Sorry, inside joke. One of my friends, with no kids, bought a minivan because it was cheap and he does all his own home renovations. I teased him a little and he would always come back with “You can get a full sheet of plywood in the back!”

Not really, it’s very subjective. That’s why it’s not a flaw, it’s just something you don’t like. I think Kia Souls are actually kinda cool, but my daughter assures me they’re terrible. She may be right

I had a passenger start a fight and hit someone so i went back there and talked it out. I mean, obviously she wasn’t going on the flight, but I’m trying to defuse the situation and get her off the plane instead of having police drag her off. She eventually did comply and I followed behind her a bit smug with my

It depends on the season. Sometimes it never reaches the melting point

ERJ 175

That’s funny! On the flip side I’ll tell my first officer to make the announcement and after they tell me “ah I kinda messed it up”
“that’s ok” I tell them “No ones listening anyway”

Ok, not a car but this is the plane I fly. It has a potable water system that must be drained every night as it can infiltrate the aileron controls and then when you climb up high into super freezing temps that water freezes and locks the ailerons in place until you descend into warmer temps. Guess how this was

This is just design... not design flaw

But... that’s not a design flaw. It’s not designed to be a work truck. It’s similar to how I got a little frustrated getting my mtn bike in the back of my Mazda CX-30. It’s not the cars fault, I bought a small car on purpose.

Ah there you are wrong. I also have a 21 Mazda and I love the scroll wheel no touch screen. I had a Golf R prior to it, which was a fantastic car, but I hated having to touch a screen, leaning forward while driving, just a terrible idea like just about every touch screen. The Mazda, you stay in your driving position

See on my old X3 I hated that cold/hot wheel. I already have auto climate control with a temp selector. Why are we complicating this more?

This is why, as part of my announcement, when we turn off the seat belt sign I always include “... but when seated keep your seat belt fastened in case of any unexpected turbulence” and I always make sure to clearly enunciate that part so it doesn’t get lost in the rest of my “ladies and gentlemen this is your captain

I wanted to star this, but it was at 69


There’ no fucking way I would go back to a company that fired me on the whims of a child. This is the kind of business strategy you get from a guy whose reaction to opposition is ‘Go fuck yourself’, or as he put stupidly put it, ‘G. F. Y.’

I always fisker’d they wouldn’t last

The issue here is not even political. They welcomed an individual that is under indictment for a litany of crimes, has been found liable for rape and promulgated an insurrection, attempted a coup, attempts to undermine our basic democratic institutions, cronyism, tax evasion, fraud. He defames people, lies repeatedly,