
This has to be theft of some sort. If you don’t want to accept a delivery that’s fine, but to take the money and refuse, that’s a crime. I hope this is pursued to not only fire this asshole but there should be some form of punishment. People have been shot by cops for less. Am I suggesting this person should be shot

I don’t think plummet is the right word here. Didn’t they more just careen down the hill? Plummet is falling straight down, I don’t think anyone’s surviving a 200 foot drop

edit: after carefully watching I’m changing my answer to launched

I’m an airline pilot and people lose their airpods all the time on my plane. They tend to roll into either the seat crack next to the bulkhead where is it hard to spot, or the floor rails which have little spaces in them and the tend to blend right in. When someone loses one we almost never find it, but also half the

You have to warm up your car before driving

Nope, not unless you have a really old car, this one has just stuck around. Yes, you should let it warm up before you drive it hard so just get in and drive and that will warm it up, then you can send it

The racing commentary was killing me in the last seasons. I play several racing games, and it was just so fake sounding exactly like the video games that it throws me out of the viewing experience

So, actually you do need to use airplane mode

It’s possible to exceed Mach 1 in an airliner but it would have to be in a dive and I don’t recommend it haha

We generally use three different airpseed measurements when flying. Indicated Airpseed which measures airflow through the pitot tubes and is on the airpseed indicator. True airspeed, which simply is how fast you are moving through the air. While at altitude my airspeed indicator may only read 230kts or so, my IAS will

I recommend that ERJ flight.  I fly that plane and it’s a 2x2 so aisle or window makes viewing easier. The ERJ also has large windows as well. I was going to try to bid for a flight along totality or for the layover in DFW

Well, your estimates are wrong so there’s that

Yeah, but what would a Tahoe owner get for an EV? Something comparable like a Kia EV9. And they weigh pretty much the same. It’s not really an EV thing it’s a size thing. This “Heavy EVs will ruin roads” is just another anti EV rant that ignores ICE cars are already ruining roads just fine (all the freeways out here

That was my biggest issue. He goes from “Man these people suck” to “eh, might as well kill them all” in nothing flat (there! brought it back to car talk)

Also in regards to motorcycles, motorcycle jackets should lawfully only be allowed to be worn by people that actually ride a motorcycle
And if your leather jacket has a MC patch, legally you can take a dump on their seat

Drivers licenses should be far more difficult to get. And they should implement a tiered license program.
You should only be allowed to drive a small 4 cyl that comes in under a certain weight and hp with an initial license. After training and testing you can move up to higher hp and larger vehicles
Every 100hp could

I love that his point of view that Jedi are evil because they are ineffectual and aloof but apparently not murdering enough small children

This is more of an argument against heavy vehicles not EVs. The average EV does not weight 5000lbs. Most come in at, around or well under 4000lbs. The ones that do weigh over are the more expensive ones, your Taycans and whatnot and also sell in far fewer numbers. And their contemporary ICE vehicles are similarly


You can’t park there

Well yes but actually no. At very slow speeds, you do steer the bike by turning the bars in the direction you want to go. But as you speed up and gyroscopic forces from the spinning wheel start to take effect then you’re initiating a turn by pulling on the opposite side which will cause precession to lean you to the

None. Of all the warranty and occasional recalls I’ve had over the years, never had an issue with any of it. Finding a good dealer is like finding a good mechanic, a good doctor, etc...