well you sound like an absolute delight.
well you sound like an absolute delight.
Magical realism means something more complex than that (not that fantasy writing can't be complex—it's just different.) Where as scyfy and fantasy writers work hard at creating some sort of logical congruence to the worlds they create, magical realism often involves several intersecting planes of reality. It also…
Yeah, 45 minutes seems like Real Housewives territory. I do a pretty complete makeup routine most days—including concealer, very light foundation, eyebrows, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick—and it usually takes less than 15 minutes. I really don't get what would take more time than that unless you're a drag…
I must admit that Courtney Stodden both fascinates me and makes me sad and angry. The media-obsessed voyeur in me craves a full-blown reality show featuring the couple and Stoddens parents, completely with a confessional. Or at least a documentary that includes interviews with her childhood friends and classmates, and…
God, that was soooo painful to watch. Like seriously, show-casing your toddler in a one-minute spot on The Today Show is more important than attending to her actual needs? I fear for this child's future.
Yep. I remember taking my friend to the clinic back in 1999. After we made it past the asshole holding a picket sign with some gory dead fetus on it, I sat in a (women-only) room with other women waiting their turn. The two patients I spoke with were both working mothers of several children for whom contraception had…
I was clear on that. ifeelgood... was not. I was responding to her/him.
My comment was directed at istellamus and makes an assumption about this person's gender based on a quote from their comment: "I don't read Jezebel regularly due to the things between my legs." Perhaps s/he was talking about labia, but either way, it is ridiculous to think that misogyny is a problem only for people…
Whoa, that is a shock. It looks like she used Kenny Rogers's plastic surgeon. I'm guessing a facelift or eye lift is to blame? Judging from this 2009 People photo shoot, she probably didn't like that she had more crow's feet than her former castmates. But the things is: she still looked bright-eyed and youthful…
Guilty. You caught me. But still, this argument gets trotted out by anti-choice dudes all the time. So I stand by my critique of the argument, which is often made in complete sincerity.
"The idea of terminating life for the sake of convenience just gives me the creeps."
1 - No, all of Lindy West's posts do not follow this formula. (See [jezebel.com])
Ooh—now I want a copy of it, too! I went with two fellow women educators to a 4:30 matinee. While waiting in the movie line, we were one of at least half a dozen group chic dates. It was like Sex in the City for teachers. Even though it is chock full of the kind of guffaw-inducing, ribald humor that has made movies…
Bad Teacher is the last movie I saw in the theater. I loved it because I saw someone I could relate to and aspire to be on the screen. Diaz was hilarious, cynical, tough, smart, and hot—and over thirty. It takes a lot to get me out to the movies—perhaps execs are missing a demographic.
Ha ha, I know. I was trying to be snarky—but then I thought: huh, I think I'm right. And really, how can I hate on Bon Jovi? It's like hating on Footloose. The initial feeling of superiority may be satisfying, but it's followed by a woeful nostalgia for the simple joys of unexamined media consumption, of which puberty…
The tattoo is kind of hipster-ironic, which may be a sign of Bon Jovi's fashion genius. It proves yet again that if you keep anything around long enough, it's likely to come back into style.
"Between the war on women and his callous disregard for animal cruelty against dogs, every day, it's becoming clearer that if Mitt Romney hates anything, it's bitches."
I could barely get through the first episode—I literally had to turn it off mid-way and come back to it. I just could not believe that the central plot line with which they chose to introduce the show was the main character's struggle to cope with the harsh realization that relying on your parents to bankroll your New…
This show is sooooo boring and predictable. Srsly. Why is anyone talking about it?
Seriously, I don't get why this show even got made.