
That was my first thought, too. Also, I can not say enough about how shitty Adore Me lingerie is: their products are really, really low quality—like you'd be better off at Target and who sizes bras in S, M, and L? AND when you order from them, they automatically sign you up for a "monthly club" that "offers a deal" on

It's like the premise for a B-movie in which terrorists kidnap all of the popstars and hold them hostage, demanding some horrific military action from the president in exchange for their release. Question is, who plays the hero that rescues them? Lisa Liu should certainly be involved somehow. And Matt Damon? Samuel

I suppose I defer to your legal explanation, but maintain that there is some expectation of privacy, whether it is legally recognized or not. And it's a shitty gray area that this cop is obviously exploiting to grab headlines, rather than using public resources to protect and serve, whatever that means. But I don't

More reasons to love Marilyn.

I agree—it seems there's a case to be made about expectation of privacy here. The problem is: who wants to be the guy heading up that legal crusade? Where's Larry Flynt when you need him?

"Carnales" does not mean "the sisters." The meaning is masculine, and something closer to dudes who are down.

You know what would be even better? If they posted photos of their *dream rings* right here in the comments.

Does anyone else think he seems sad and unconvincing/unconvinced? He seems tired and emotionally crushed to me.

This is just one more reason to get pregnant and have tax-credit abortions.

Me too! Another interesting nugget from the interview: Sagal said she also angled to make Gemma sexy, which totally works. And makes me wanna be Gemma sometimes, especially now that they've introduced the Nero/Jimmy Smitts the Pimp story line.

I think Oprah did a show like this several years ago. They had a sex therapist and three hetero couples (because gays are defined by their sexual choices, so that would be redundant.?) The highlight for me was when one of the husbands admitted that his feelings about his wife's vagina forever changed after he watched

This is actually my alma mater so I had to look up the prof. She's in the marketing dept., so that explains the complete insensitivity to gender in the research question. I'd look up the paper and scrutinize her methodology if I gave two fucks.

Agreed. I'm a pretty dedicated apple user and I think all of their tablets are over-priced. I get by pretty well with a macbook air, an iPhone 4, and a nano from 2008.

Triple agreed. I'd also like to add that Hannah's approach to weight issues is not just realistic, but pretty healthy, all things considered. Given our culture's obsession with an unrealistic body ideal for women, a young woman would have to be either delusional or in denial to not have some level of insecurity about

Yep. Sexual abuse by staff is rampant in women's prisons.

My friend from Madrid called them "conejitos," which means "little rabbits." I guess because they wiggle around like nervous little bunnies? Trust me, it's pretty funny in Spanish.

Good to know there's at least one critical reader out there!

I always find it amusing when westerners use the term "karma" to explain the notion of a vengeful and angry god that is the hallmark of 19th-century American Protestantism.

Wait, why is Brown's veto of that second bill a good thing?