
She might hold degrees from the "best schools" and have figured out how to make a fortune out of creating controversy, but I don't see how either of these facts qualify her as "well educated." I usually reserve this term for individuals who demonstrate deep knowledge and nuanced understanding of complicated issues.

It sounds like you have a pretty standard case of situational depression. Low energy and irregular sleeping patterns are key symptoms. This is a pretty normal reaction to a recent tragedy, and people usually recover after a period of grieving. But you're right—it will probably make starting grad school more difficult,

I wasn't expecting to get a substantive response, so thanks for the info!

I thought ligers were supposed to be infertile. Did I get that wrong or is there some crazy scientific breakthrough here? Perhaps I should just watch the damn video.

"Women are not individuals but public property; objects to be critiqued, judged, weighed, measured and inspected."

Yet again I am thanking my lucky stars that my teen years were in the '90s. I went to a small catholic parochial middle school and then an all-girls high school. In 6th grade, we all took a class in human reproduction and they had an army nurse come and talk to all of the girls about sex, and a doctor to talk to the

soooo rapey — he reminds me of that Olympic coach we had in the 90s who was eventually revealed to be sexually abusing his under-aged gymnasts.

First off: Good for you! Second, I have an addition to your list: Once you get your boobs "done," they're never actually done. If you're lucky, your implants will be good for ten years, at which point they'll need to be replaced (kinda like your car's clutch—only they usually last a bit longer.) Cha-ching! Another 10

Um, humblebrag much?

Look, as far as I'm concerned, I'll keep Republicans the f*ck out my vagina.

Does anyone else think this article is condescending and based on false stereotypes about female competition? I was waiting for the winking phrase that let me know the author was being ironic, but I seriously couldn't get past #4. I was just bored and felt like this article was directed at the mean girls I went to

The whole "he's just global, more one-world" rhetoric is clearly a reference to right-wing conspiracy theories—very Alex Jones. I wonder why she's reticent to come out with it on television. Is it because she thinks she'll get skewered by the "MSM" or the actual Illumnati?

Maybe I'm missing something here, but isn't the object of this game to actually subvert gender stereotypes? Like, in order to win, you have to prove significant knowledge of subject matter traditionally associated with the opposite gender. Btw, I'm a woman and I totally nailed the muffler question, which my dude would

You make a good point. It's just that alcohol is already heavily taxed, whereas the things I list are not—especially the chastity balls (which I misspelled in my last post-darn auto-correct!) and churches in general.

The problem I see here is that it perpetuates the really harmful stereotypes around who gets raped—you know that kind of woman. So if you're a victim of rape, it's probably because you're kinda slutty, which means you asked for it, which means . . . "come on, what did you expect?" And if you're quite obviously a

Ugh, I am SO fed up with this mock-intellectual dismissiveness about the gender wage gap. These assholes make the same sloppy assumption with such perfect consistency that about 98.9% of them can be refuted with the following stock response:

Ha, apparently Amazon customers bought this book and Gone Girl together.

I'm not sure why pads would be preferable to tampons when your flow is heavy. But I stopped using pads in high school because they just grossed me out. Wearing a pad when you're hemorrhaging uterine lining seems analogous to opting for a bath after spending a day doing yard work: you're just stewing in all of those

Anyone here familiar with the Diva Cup? I've been promising myself for the last several years that I would get one. Every month, as I carry my box of OBs up to the cashier, I swear to myself that this is the last month: Next time, I'll bite the bullet and plunk down the 35 bucks for the cup. But instead, every month I

Jezebel's reaction to the efforts to encourage breast-feeding is starting to feel reactionary. Listening to an interview with Michael Bloomberg yesterday, I had the unpleasant realization that I was actually on his side of the argument and annoyed with jezebel's. While I agree that pressuring women to take risky drugs