
Is anyone else alarmed at the horrid grammar in Rihanna's post? I'm not one to nitpick when it comes to inconsequential grammatical missteps, but it's clear from this post that she doesn't understand basic sentence structure. No wonder my students' essays are full of run-on sentences. They freely admit to ignoring the

So Britney Spears is doing her part to preserve the meaning of traditional hetero marriage: a transaction in which ownership of the bride is transferred from the father to the husband.

The stats on language acquisition for current immigrants basically follow past patterns. Many working-class immigrants live in ethnic enclaves and take jobs in workplaces where their colleagues also only speak their native language. The next generation generally learns English and retains Spanish, and by the third

That's a good point, but what's often left out of *that* discussion is that age negatively affects everyone's reproductive organs. While plenty of studies confirm that older women have more trouble conceiving and higher rates of risky pregnancies and birth defects, scientists are just now starting to look at how age

That's a good point, but what's often left out of *that* discussion is that age negatively affects everyone's reproductive organs. While plenty of studies confirm that older women have more trouble conceiving and higher rates of risky pregnancies and birth defects, scientists are just now starting to look at how age

You don't want to be ignored? Quit being a dickhead.

This is a total bullshit stunt designed to benefit both parties—like when talk show hosts stage a feud that achieves nothing but shoring up their respective followings. Meanwhile, people are "literally* amassing in the streets over problems they're refusing to address. This is some broke-ass shit.

My favorite part of this is Candy Crowley: "I'm going to give you one last chance to answer the fucking question while at the same time drawing special and unequivocal attention to exactly what is being asked so that it is absolutely fucking impossible for you to ignore it in any graceful way. So, let's see if we

What do they have to be disaffected about? They went to STANFORD. That is, except for the small percentage of grads with working class backgrounds. They have many reasons.

OOH, a rare specimen of the fashion photog exploitation trifecta. This photo shoot belittles the homeless, the model, AND the viewer.

I for one think it's great that more products are encouraging men to manipulate women by making them feel insecure than to waste all that awesome Xbox time on trying to relate to them through one-on-one conversation about her period.

Exactly, it's like they get all the benefit of co-optation without all the shittiness of the vulnerability. White dudes win again! (While at the same time maintaining some sort of progressive-artsy sheen.) Ground-breaking work, guys.

Well, to be fair, women are baby-crazy—but so are men. When parents spend time with their kids, their brains release oxytocin, the "cuddle hormone," which produces mild euphoria, otherwise known as warm fuzzies. The thing is, I'm convinced this is true for Aunties—because spending time with my four-year-old niece and

I felt much the same way about waiting tables. I really loved interacting with people, serving them good food, and making them smile. I looked forward to seeing some of my regulars and my co-workers were a blast to be around. I honestly might have stayed in the industry if the pay and benefits had been better. Um, and

Good to know. Maybe the quality has improved or I got a bum pair.

It's nasty revelations like this that keep me coming back to RH discussion threads, which I now find more addictive than the actual shows.

The source of my tone about the inventory sell-off experience for retail workers comes from accounts of Circuit City workers who worked through that store's bankruptcy and disappearance. They described it as fairly harrowing and emotionally taxing in a way I hadn't thought about. Customers grew more and more abusive

I'm sorry you think my reply was unfair. It was in response not just to you, but to the huge gaggle of people who just decided to pile on a group of people who just lost their jobs. I've never worked retail, but I waited tables for years and this post really resonated with the kind of venting my co-workers and I would

We will just have to agree to disagree on this. While sure, kids should read stuff and that's good, I do think that some texts and ideas are just fucking dangerous and/or stupid (hi, eugenics.) And actually, I think it's fine to come out and say that. Also, Twilight is one of these texts—a classic tale of a helpless

You're right! How dare those low-wage retail workers who just got laid off in a shit economy complain about the job they no longer have! They should feel lucky for those last weeks of store closing sales, which afforded them the opportunity to watch and cheerfully assist as cheap-ass customers devoured the carcass of