
Well I don't really have an opinion on Oprah or her book club (except maybe that it's weird she's on the cover of every issue of O.) But I don't think that all reading should get unconditional support. Plenty of people who write stuff do so badly and/or promote shitty ideas or ideology. And too many people who print

Ha! You should do a photo series of your cat achieving human kid milestones! Like first haircut, first Christmas, first visit from the tooth fairy, First Communion?, bris?(!) You could put them in photo albums and hand them out at Christmas, if you do that holiday.

Sorry! I'm kinda passionate about debunking the rampant lawsuit myth because the "tort reform movement" is such a bunch of crap and has put some serious limits on victims' rights in some states.

Yay! I sent in a tip for this! Thanks, Gawker!

That's a fairly widely-held view, but it's not born out by the numbers. I actually teach a college course every summer where we study this question. I think the smartest source on this issue is this book: []

My guess is that she's already tried other avenues of recourse. People usually view lawsuits as a last resort and only file them if they have extensive evidence. If she says that he said inappropriate sexual stuff from the bench, it's probably in the record. Also, a move like this can be a real career killer so you

The very fact that the appropriateness of a spanking in the work place is being so hotly debated here should tell you something. Also, if what damedelamaison said is true, then this woman's complaint is about more than an isolated, friendly, and misconstrued slap on the butt, which seems to be the basis of your

Yep. I'm from San Antonio and I never even thought about buying rain boots till I moved out to northern California. The rainy season here is cold and long and a leaky boot means you spend the rest of your day with one frozen foot worrying about holding onto your toes. So rain boots are serious business out here.

These are cute, but Target rain boots are a total rip-off. They're not insulated so your feet freeze and they start to leak within the space of one season. The alternative is paying twice as much for something that will actually keep your feet warm and dry and last several years. My advice: cough up the extra dough.

Yeah, it's because you're young. People won't start bothering you about this until you're past about 26. And they won't think twice about it, either. This is why I don't go to weddings. Inevitably, some well-meaning Old will lean over and smile and say something like, "so you're next, huh?" I don't know why they just

Hmm...I've worked in environments where flirting and sexual innuendo between workers were a part of the day-to-day grind that provided a fun way to let off steam. I've also worked in an environment where the boss engaged in this kind of flirting and teasing and this was a *cause* of a lot of workplace stress rather

Thanks for this comment. I posted a similar one on an earlier article about Bachmann's stupidity on HPV. Here are some of the facts I've turned up and conclusions I've jumped to:

A Clarification for Brendan O'Neill the Vaunted Feminist Blogger:

I'll go one better: I went to Catholic school in TEXAS during the Bush 1 years and they gave us the whole anatomical run-down and even some gender-segregated presentations and Q&As with medical professionals. They also taught us that evolution is compatible with Catholicism and anyway we needed to be educated about it

Meh, you can't take it with you, so take my ATM card. Just don't take my corpse out with it, you freaks.

That wasn't my experience at all. I went to an all-girls Catholic school where there was no importation of male students and primping practices varied according to a bazillion factors, including: a person's mood, the subculture with which she identified, whether she had plans to go anywhere after school, the current

Ooh! I want here about the revelations of additional character flaws that followed cookipocalypse. Probably because I am bored, procrastinating, and morbidly curious about people who are fucked up.

My favorite eye-makeup remover is Avon's moisture effective hydra-something or other. It's regularly $4.99 but permanently on sale for $1.99. I've tried expensive brands and drugstore brands and just about everything irritated my eyelids after a few uses. This stuff works, is totally gentle on my skin, doesn't leave a