Coyote Dancer

Why Inhumans? A.) Marvel didn’t have rights to mutants at that point. B.) Perlmutter.

Patrick Stewart WITH HAIR!

As a follower of that religion, my term for myself is ‘Witch.’ I practice witchcraft in the modern sense, not the Harry Potter sense. So, yes, I can assure you, Witches are QUITE real.

With all this talk of Spider-Man, but no speculation on Black Panther? I vote put Shuri in the suit!

How did you know what I never knew I always needed?

Well, he did put the squeeze on it, but I thought it had given consent...

Take your star damnit - that was a beautiful episode, but now I’m sad. :(

Just a minor nit to pick, but we got into WWI to support the French - not the British. It was our involvement in The Great War that re-solidified our relationship with the UK after a century of really not getting along very well. In my opinion as a historian (my degree actually is in history), this makes the Brits

Nope. I think Meatwad really does want to watch the world burn. And I want to supply the gasoline.

Is that cover by Joseph Michael Linsner?

Well-written, compelling characters with achievable (but not easy) goals existing in a logically coherent universe follow a creatively-plotted and well-paced storyline?

Hate to be a pedant, but this isn’t describing a zombie - a creature who rises of their own accord fueled by nothing but rage, and possessing their full mental capacities is a Revenant. Think more ‘The Crow,’ and less Romero.

Heretic! Follow the shoe!

How about we just eject Jared Leto into the sun, instead?

In the book there was a throw-away reference to Jesus as a cab driver in the Middle East. Referring to how different regions versions of gods are at different power levels.

You and I have *very* different definitions of “serviceable” - plus as good as the book was, the movie deserved to be so much better than what we got.

I also hereby nominate “Vetty” as their couple name. ;)

The only color this woman cares about is green. She don’t care who you are - if you got green, you’re worth listening to; otherwise - forget it. And it ain’t like she needs the money - it really isn’t even about money. It’s about power and position in the great game. Money is just one of the ways the people who play

Or anyone *NOT* named Rob Liefeld. That man needs to be kept as far away from these movies as humanly possible.

Jeremy Irons is *always* worth the price of admission. Plus, I was at just the right age to *really* notice Thora Birch when this thing came out.