Coyote Dancer

He lived for the One, and he died for the One. But he did not die in vain.

Wow! I thought I was the only person left who even *remembered* that book - much less enjoyed it!

This comes back to the point that was being made that most epic RPG’s have too much story to condense well into a two or three hour movie. And on the other side, you have the equally daunting issue of creating a film that’s obviously a set up for a series, which can be just as bad as glossing over too much.

Maybe a grown-up version of Smallville’s (obviously already psychotic) Lana Lang?

Those aren’t guns - those are thrust-booster engines. Necessary to get that much mass off the ground.

You’re right. We were the non-violent party. But now you’re the dumb-fuck insane party. And we’re pissed. And there are a lot more liberals willing to compromise on guns than on freedom. Come for us and find out.


We now have computers that can "pass" the Turing test through a series of programmed responses. Do you feel like this is somehow cheating the intent of the test, or is it a step towards achieving a true 'artificial' intelligence?

It looks like he either normally wears a beard or thick stubble that he recently shaved for this role

Sorry for the double post

“Kiss my converse!"

Correction - a new and much politically weaker candidate.

Nope - as an Indiana native I'm overjoyed with this pick. It forces Pence to drop his re-election bid, forcing the Indiana GOP to put forward a new candidate. No matter what happens in November, we are quite happily rid of him.

Guys - just please remember your fans here at IO9 when you publish, and let us know whose names to look for - I want this damn book!

Robot Jox Eliminators vs Sharknado - the 5th Cycle: Ghoulish Dungeonmaster Days

If anyone could, Mel would be the guy.

Never mind Arya - Maisie for Queen of Geekdom!

I deeply regret that I have but one star to give thee, Sai. Good Ka to you and your Ka-Tet.

Dammit, Janet - the whole point of Curry was that it was DUDE under all that makeup - hence “Sweet Transvestite.” Having a woman play the role, even one ‘drag-queened up,’ as it were, defeats the point. If anything, it homogenizes the whole mess - making it safer for mass consumption. And the ONE thing Rocky Horror

I’m older than Captain America?!?!? <Sigh> What have I done with my life?