Coyote Dancer

For the record - that is *not* something I couldn’t see him doing.

But are there as many as there was a while ago?

It does get better. Do not skip. Stop before the last season.

Technically - system exclusive games could be used as a basis for unfair competition suits - if you can prove that there is nothing *comprable* on another system. Which is the work-around that gaming companies have been using for years.

I got hooked because of my son. It’s an amazingly smart, clever, entertaining show. With really catchy music.

Wait - Foglio and Ben Dunn worked together on book?!?!? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS?!?!?!?

Enjoy it. Repeatedly. And mourn that there will NEVER be another like it. If it’s competent, that is. Otherwise we’ll forget it faster than Dark Phoenix.

Man, George of the Jungle was such a gem. Perhaps the best Tarzan movie ever.

Is that Christopher Lee throwing a cat?

Feige has very explicitly said that the main cast *is* coming back to do voice work for this series - including RDJ and Chris Evans.

I *think* it’s supposed to be “Black Tom” Cassidy - the guy with crazy plant / energy powers. But, then again, the last we saw of him, he was a tree....

We are a way for the universe to know itself.” - Carl Sagan

1965? Really? Wow, as an Indiana native I want your time machine.

Praise Beebo! Please!


Take your star, damnit

Nope. Eleven is not Hopper’s biological child. Her mom had some mental issues and got experimented on by Matthew Modine’s character.

I think a lot of that is coming from a combination of the costume / cape and their relative body positions in this photo.

“He’s got blue eyes!”

I met her at a con years ago. That woman is pure joy and sunshine.