Muy guapo pug

 I don’t find Facebook groups to be a productive means of discourse. I learned that lesson when I first joined the group. I observe and try to understand, but I’m past the point of trying to change others. I’ve never seen a person change their mind based on a social media argument.

I can’t comment on everything said in this forum, but the first difference I’d point out is that most Jezebel commenters aren’t running for president, and aren’t held to the same standards of diplomacy and decorum that the leader of one of the worlds’ superpowers would be.

I belong to a really horrible FB group of local folks who mostly support Trump and are racist/awful in a lot of ways. Since my job requires working with the public, I don’t participate but do use it as a way to figure out who the most horrible people are in my area. It’s such a train wreck; I have a hard time looking

I feel you on the hair loss! I had a patch of alopecia arreata about a year ago — and it feels absolutely AWFUL to lose your hair; I think especially as a woman it’s tough.

That is gorgeous! I’m not far away (in N Idaho) and while I love fall in the NW the pine needle mayhem stresses me out every year. We finally bought a mulcher this year to handle the pine needle drop from the 5 huge ponderosas in our yard :(

You are a good mom for doing everything you can for your daughter, and you’re clearly doing it right if she was able to talk to you about those really hard feelings. I’m so sorry your family is going through this — having a loved one with severe depression is heart breaking and overwhelming and feels so hopeless. I

I so agree! I feel like the show brings out the worst in me, but her insistence on dating these “hunks” who clearly have ulterior motives is absolutely infuriating to me. I don’t think she deserves to be taken advantage of, and I wonder if there is a cognitive or intellectual disability at play (I struggle with this)

That sounds incredible! Yum.

Thank you! I agree, daffodils smell like springtime to me and they are a very welcome sight after our long, grey north Idaho winters! Look forward to seeing your future gardening endeavors, I am quite jealous of your green thumb :)

Thanks! The chairs are actually different, just happened that the previous homeowners had really similar ones in a different finish haha

I just get them from Lowes, actually! I did a mass planting of maybe 40 daffodils last year and pulled out hundreds of allium that don’t do so well here:

Not sure if this should have gone in the crafts/projects thread, but OH WELL it was a huge undertaking — I finished painting my kitchen cabinets! It took two weeks of kitchen disarray and lots of sawdust but they are finally done, after/before pictures below:

All of those are beautiful! Bulbs are so satisfying to grow. I picked up 120 Dutch iris bulbs this week to do a mass planting in front of my house. My back will kill me after the planting, I’m sure, but the springtime show will be well worth it.

I can definitely see that too -- maybe it depends on how much carrot skin infusion he’s done 😂

Your username makes it even better!

I apologize to the piglets of the world; they are adorable and don’t deserve the unfair comparison.

He has gross little newborn piglet eyes

Yes, the motivation is definitely the worst!! I’ve had the paint and supplies ready to go for 6 weeks, and it took a rainy weekend for me to finally cave and just start with one section.

The 1980s cabinets are the WORST! We did the appliance thing too (fridge and oven, knock on wood the dishwasher hangs in there). I watch a lot of home rehab shows to console myself about the whole process :)

I went through something VERY similar about a year and a half ago. Husband was texting a weird number all hours of the day; I figured it was old army buddies until I did some google research and found it was a woman from a Facebook group we both belonged to. He said it was only friends also.