muva may i

if you don’t mind me it pain like, INSIDE your body or on the outside? Does it feel like muscle pain or nerve? (I’m assuming nerve considering the description). Does ice help or just subdue?

She deserves all the money. All of it. Empty Fort Knox, unlock the Federal Reserve, it belongs to her now.

It honestly just seems like a blind panic reaction on the nurse’s part. YOU’RE AN OBSTETRIC NURSE, YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TO CATCH A BABY SOMEDAY, DO YOUR FUCKING JOB.

Lawyer here. Wife’s lack of consortium is a thing too. If the husband was injured and unable to have sex, she could sue for that. Her inability to have sex is probably factored into her pain and suffering.

My wife was forced to have a c section after 20 hours of labor on our first and the hospital we go to won’t allow her to try vaginally after she’s already had a c section. She’s scheduled for another c sec Monday morning for our third and final and she’s really hoping that it will just come early and fast so she can

If someone tried to push a baby back into one of my moms, I’d make sure their heads would roll. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but having a doula can be so empowering for moms who are unable to advocate for themselves.

As if I don’t have enough incentive to not want kids, this story comes around.

One of the few cases where I’m like, the $$ was nOT enough. She deserves like endless money her whole life. Her whole family does; they’re all suffering, not just her.

If they were pushing on the baby’s head my first thought was that they’d snap its neck. They are fucking lucky they didn’t injure the baby as well.

her husband’s loss of consortium,

Couldn’t this fucking kill the baby? Jesus tap dancing Christ catching a baby can’t be that complicated.

I have never had kids, so forgive me if this sounds ignorant, but isn't there a danger of the baby suffocating in a situation like that?

A friend told me this happened to her when she was giving birth. Nurse told her to stop pushing and tried to push baby back in bc the Doctor wasn’t there yet. Thankfully none of the awful things that happened to this woman happened to her. I was so pissed when she told me she didnt sue because “Everyone ended up just

I remember sobbing as they explained why I MUST have a C-section or I could die. “But I didn’t read the chapters on C-sections!” I explained. I’m a preparer. And I didn’t prepare for that.

As AltairaMorbius2200AD commented, “Just repeat to yourself: this is not normal. Your birth will not be like this.”

That was my birth plan as well. Then I got pre-eclampsia. I took all the meds they offered. Sometimes your body rebels against your birth plan. This? Is a nurse showing a laboring woman that the doctor is really In charge.

My doctor told me that she might gently hold the baby’s head as it was crowning and tell me not to push for a moment. If she did that, and I followed her instructions, I would likely not tear. She seemed pretty proud of her no tearing and no episiotomy record. She would not have actually PUSHED the baby back in,

Shit, I shouldn’t read this at 4 months pregnant.

This sounds like something that stood a high possibility of putting her baby’s life at risk as well, or at least risking its health - my friend’s cerebral palsy was caused by medical negligence (she was left “stuck” in her mum longer than she should have, damaging both her and her mother - they got a large settlement