Down the hall, take the elevator, then around the corner
Well, some people just want to wait for all the facts before making a judgement.
he may be guilty, but fuck if his trial wasn’t a complete farce. his conviction was a fucking joke. they railroaded the fuck outta him.
welcome to adulthood
this gif is hilarious but im not sure why
this is funny because two of my childhood friends who had a crush on leo are lesbians.
(flower crown and butterfly crown are the literal best).
He’s also very cold and hostile to movements like Black Lives Matter because he objects to “self victimization” and “political correctness,” which just makes him sound like a Republican.
I try not to listen to RuPaul bout anything outside of Drag (because his opinions are usually shit?) but I’m feeling him here.
yeah, i live in a mostly Black community and my sister’s babies (and the babies from around the neighborhood) are usually babysat and bottle fed by our families or other woman who live near us, while the mothers go back to work or do what they do.
Breastfeeding is definitely more stigmatized than bottle feeding.
this is my first time hearing about this but it’s already my favorite story of all time