
Hands: The Original Egg Cups

Easy. Peel it, soak it in soy sauce for a few minutes (optional), cut in half and plop in noodle soup. Consume.

The jokes have been made, and they are very funny, you guys. So I just came here to say:

“How many students said I exposed myself?” said Sharkey.

I do think it’s both. He knows he can’t bullshit with her, and that she is both smarter and far more powerful than him. I actually think he’s scared of her. Sniff, I feel so proud of Our Mutti Merkel right now!

Yes, but hers is a rational hate for many completely logical reasons she could easily explain. He hates her like a toddler hates brussel sprouts.

So the solution to woefully inadequate healthcare insurance is....more insurance? Humanity is a dumpster fire.

Yo dawg, I hear you like insurance, so I put some insurance in your insurance so you’re covered before you’re covered.

ANGELA: “And THEN this motherfucker Trump said...”

Oh god, I’m watching the press conference and he really is repulsive. Next to Merkel, he looks worse than ever. America is the laughingstock of the free world.

He doesn’t actually seem to know how to smile. He squinches up his eyes, and makes his mouth into a smiley shape, but ... it’s not a smile.

Trump doesn’t know how to handle people who are smarter than him (pretty much everyone), much less one that is a women.

I would watch this porn.

Clearly, this

Man, Trump is one creepy fuck. If he hadn’t inherited his Daddy’s money, he’d be a washed up, alcoholic car salesman living in Queens

At least we know that Donald Trump hates women more than he loves powerful Germans.

Pictured here is the Leader of the Free World. Donald Trump sits next to her.

Probably spends more time on a toilet shitting out burned steak.

She might miss Obama as much as we do.

I don’t think Donald Trump knows how to sit in a chair.