Master Roshi

What is not yet proven to be bullshit is if Seth Rich was the source of the Wikileaks DNC emails, correct? Which would kind of blow a hole in the whole “Russians hacked the election” cabal.

It seems as if the democrats are not interested in solving the murder at all, why? Why didn’t the police immediately question the bar he was at that night? There were numerous cameras on the route he walked home and yet we haven’t seen one clip of Seth and the perpetrators, why? Why are police and other investigators

He also announced, in support of Trump’s policies, he’s going to renounce his Hispanic heritage and will, from now on, be known as Jack Of The River.

Trump called for growing the Navy to 350 ships. This budget calls for 282 battleships by the end of fiscal year 2017 (up from 275) and then to 292 by fiscal year 2018.

Tyler at least has an aviation background and continues to write about military tech.

Can we all agree that this is meaningless? It’s the President’s Budget Request. Congress will ultimately do whatever it wants.

Eisenhower even warned of the military industrial complex.

Oh great, you’re back. Fuck off with the Trump agenda and just present the facts, ok?

Another classy article about assassinating government officials to get what you want. It’s not funny or cute or satire. You’re literally wishing death upon other humans. This is the “Progressive Party” of the future. If you can’t get what you want, eliminate the opposition.

You didn’t really explain why Mattis is a bad person beyond working in the administration. My understanding is that he is a generally good person who is respected by pretty much everyone (except bloggers who wanted to the list to appear as long as possible).

Thank God. I though this was going to be another story about how Melania didn’t hold his hand that one time.

Is this not the case with every single president when they take office? They make numerous promises and deliver maybe 1/4 of them in their 4 year term. Obama “shut down guantanomo bay, bring all troops home within 6 months, pull out of Iraq entirely, shovel ready jobs, hire “an army” of new teachers, etc etc etc none

There is absolutely no way you can call the Seth Rich conspiracy unsubstantiated, yet completely buy into the Russian meddling narrative pushed by the media (assuming you do buy into it).

So a couple of different things here.

Obviously deportation sucks. But in some cases it is justified. The key point would be to get most people to agree on what justifies the need for deportation.

Yep. I’m often cautious about trying to weigh in on these cases, where ICE arrests a person who has been previously ordered removed (and, importantly, not granted prosecutorial discretion under the Obama administration). The orders of removal were often under the Obama administration and while “Trump’s Deportation

If he was targeted for his faith, that would be bad, but the dude was targeted for committing fraud. I am not super worried about it. He wasn’t even adjudicated under Trump’s plan to remove Muslims. He’s been slated for deportation since last year.

I see lots of people using their Snap card or what ever the hell it is in Chicago while carrying an iPhone and have a BMW parked outside. So give me a break. Those people don’t need government assistance. There’s LOTS of people who scam the system. Open your eyes. There should be a way for these people to be

“We looked at this budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the bills.”