The Mutant Walrus

lol, your dumb

What is the point of this kind of comment? Did you miss your condescension quota for the data? Are you so desperate for the internet hate juice that you have to jump in halfway through a completed conversation just to say what others said better and without the baseless personal attacks?

Only one note:

Ok, I think I’m on the same page with you now in that it’s a pattern that suggests he’s being gross, not any single instance of an age disparity.

This is probably my favorite comment on this article. We let talented (and, let’s be honest, mostly rich/connected) people do whatever they want, then act surprised when all of that power leads to abuse. What could they have achieved on his shows if his employees weren’t terrified of him? What kind of gross behavior

Again, never defended the guy once. But sure, keep beating that horse since you have nothing else to offer.

Do you take this bad faith approach to all of your arguments? I’ll bet you “win” them all, and are very proud of that fact.

That is very disappointing. They came up with that idea, said it out loud, then repeated it later to the media without once considering how bad it was...ugh.

I tend to agree. There’s something about handing power unsupervised to talented men in their 20s and 30s that this country loves to do, and somehow we always wonder how it happened when it ends in lawsuits.

Cool. Just ignore the fact that I never once defended him so you can slap some tired gifs together to justify your ad hominem attacks. Why are you even here?

Well, I stand corrected. Does he not know his lines are going to be read by human beings? Maybe he should have annotated the line to make sure she knew which Shakespeare character she needed to reference to get the tone right.

Of course not; do you date people by random chance? Literally the only thing people have said about his partners is that they’re young, and I guess I’m supposed to therefore assume that means they’re all too dumb to figure out this 50 year old guy is trying to manipulate them?

Ehhh. Xander’s decision was framed as a selfish and spiteful turn at the end of season 2, and especially early on his jealousy toward Angel was one of the big running points of conflict between him and Buffy.

There’s also the cohort of people who were either too young to have seen his work at the time or ignored it until recently and are out in droves now to explain why his work is so unremarkable. After having likely seen tons of work in the last 25 years that mimics or perhaps even improves on the things he did that were

Aren’t you though? “Women who dated Joss Whedon” is specific. Is there something I’m missing about them? Were they all interchangeable Brunette actresses in his employ?

He’s a TV writer, not a Nobel laureate.

Sure, and between the pattern and the fact that he is powerful Hollywood producer, there could be something there. I just worry that jumping to that conclusion is a bit patronizing to those women who choose to date him.

I’ll grant you that, and having never been a 23 year old woman, I’ll refrain from speculating about any of that. My wife was 23 when we started dating, however (I was 30), so you might imagine why I’m skeptical of the discourse on this subject.

I don’t remember him blaming Berry so much as the producers who cut the joke it was a callback to, undermining the line and leaving it as a weird nonsequitur. Berry clearly had no idea what to do with it, but that’s probably a directing issue and oh my god I just remember Bryan Singer made that one.

I am a fan of his work, but the patronizing way he comes off in interviews always did bother me. It was the sort of thing where I might agree with him about something but feel gross because of how he said it.