I hate to paint another layer of shit onto this smelly wall, but many of these troglodytes probably consider black women to be inherently lower on their scale of women, and therefore 'easier' to obtain than the perfect 10 California Blond they'd prefer.
It makes her waist look itty bitty, but also like a cake? Like too much like a cake. And I love cake.
It's extra odd because I think she has very warm and beautiful smile.
Beyonce is always eerily calm. That facade never cracks. She turns it on when performing and then powers down everything else.
She used to dress so much better pre-Kanye. She was a good role model in one arena, and that was dressing as a short and curvy lady.
Debbie Downer? Did you think no one found the thought of a teenage girl being brutally murdered was a sad story? Did you honest to fucking God read this story and not find it a "downer?"
Re: J-Law Wedding.
I think that might be true! I will spread it.
There are increasing numbers of Columbia Heights bro sightings.
Arrested Development. The actress may look familiar because she has played a main character's best friend or short-run girlfriend in everything. Everything. And she is the best.
I knew they were going to pull that as soon as he went to go see the baby, and it kind of pissed me off. So overdone.
"Mom's been like all dead and stuff for six years Dad!"
If that's unintentional, it is hands down the worst clothing print design I've ever seen.
He played with goddamn puppets. Suspicious as hell.
It's not difficult for boring ol' Americans to get some abroad in Europe either.
I think eating squirrel brains is now generally advised against due to disease, so that was a smart move on your part.
My grandparents were avid hunters so I ate squirrel a few times growing up. I really disliked it, but I wasn't a big meat eater as a kid, the meat quality itself was usually fine. They are surprisingly versatile in how you can cook them—fried, stewed, grilled, etc.