I don't think Sophie Nelisse's dress is too precious. She's 13 and it looks stylish and pretty but age-appropriate.
I don't think Sophie Nelisse's dress is too precious. She's 13 and it looks stylish and pretty but age-appropriate.
The amount of editing in these, and other shots I've seen, makes me wonder where the line should be drawn as a collection being presented as "photography" versus being presented as "mixed media" or "composite" or another art form.
I've done some volunteer work with them and can't recommend them enough—especially if people are throwing fucking $10,000 around.
"The final images are gorgeous; there's a 99% chance that the originals are, too."
There are photos of her without makeup online, but since she often has very minimal makeup on her show, there's not really any surprises. She's not a middle-aged Asian man underneath or anything.
P.S. I didn't mean to pick such an appropriately titled organization.
I cannot star this enough. I'll start the list with suggesting Girls, Inc.
Ha, we met in a crowded bar as well! It is an inherently shallow way of meeting, but it's better than never meeting.
Great sex helps, it's true. It doesn't magically make things better, but having that box checked is one less relationship thing to work out.
I do agree with you, but damn, this thread is making me feel shallow as hell.
I was attracted to my fiance the first time I saw him, before interacting with him in any way. I literally pointed him out and said to my friend "That guy with the curly hair is hot!" at the beginning of the evening. I find it hard to believe that I'm the only woman who has ever had that experience.
I too received two requests to Gchat from what appeared to be porn bots in the past week. Since it's never happened before I'm curious if it is related to the change somehow. Both were generic female named Google+ accounts with sexy faceless pics for their profile image.
Do they have a polite "Thank you!" I could wear to my OB-GYN? I'd prefer "Thank you for always warming the speculum" but it may not fit. I really do want to give her a shout-out.
I thought that was weird too! She looks good but the exact match on the pictures makes me think of her chopping her head off to switch outfits, especially with the little scarf on her neck.
When did this trend of engagement photos even come about? I'm only 25, but I still feel like it's an extremely new norm that I have zero interest in spending money.
I can't imagine my knees have a single flattering or comforting thing to say to me either. Mine look like Statler from the Muppets.
They want to tell you something...but they have no mouths with which to speak!
No matter how beautiful someone's knee is, it will still just look like a deformed face if you stare at it too long.
Whoa, why downplay the "failed mink-oil lawsuit" angle of the Matthew McConaughey link?