
If it weren't for a couple of details, I might suspect you were one of my multiple siblings because I can relate too much! Large mixed family here too.

I lock my door at home. I rent a house in DC, and unfortunately my street has had multiple break-ins this year—most of them during the day, one when a woman was home upstairs. My landlord actually stopped by one weekend morning and was angry that we had left the outer-gate of our back entrance locked since the door

Many public restrooms in Tokyo have those installed in each stall. I loved them. Loved them.

Thank you. I grew up in an emotional unstable, conflict-filled home as well.

If you manage to find the author or study, please share, because I have long believed the same thing.

I think that's very obviously different. You'd probably do to the same to an adult who was about to get hit by a car, right? I wouldn't generally scream at an adult for being an idiot near a road, but I'm sure they would appreciate it if it saved them.

Absolutely. It looks like whoever did the initial design heard the words "unusually beautiful" and thought about/started sketching a sexy Photoshopped lady, not, you know, a baby.

I have large breasts, and it's still extremely rare for me to find a bra in my size that isn't thickly 'lined' unless I shop somewhere high-end. And if I wear an unlined bra, the natural shape and softness of my breasts is extremely obvious and probably some people wouldn't think I was even wearing one since my

His arms don't look that hairy to me. My boyfriend has more arm hair but almost no chest hair except a few strays (which he would probably wax off if featured in a photoshoot).

Exactly. I was a teen when my grandfather died. I was sad, but also uncomfortable and wanted to escape. This was when cell phones for teens had already been commonplace, but before smartphones, yet I didn't spend the funeral texting to escape even though I didn't know what to do with myself and struggled to relate