
This would be my wife's answer.

I'm more on the line of "Thank GOD they missed that opportunity". The idea of Sean Connery as Gandalf just kinda stinks of atrocious fan-casting. Thanks but I am totally okay with a Gandalf minus a dose Scottish swagger.

Even as late as the 1970's, Vincent Price would have KILLED it as Doctor Strange

when they make a DS9 one - the black body with the colored shoulders, I'll totally get one.

Jeff Buckley's cover of 'Hallelujiah'.

I'm not sure if you ever read about the sad end of Violet and Daisy Hilton (The subject of the musical "Side Show") as one passed away three days before the other did. :(

This scene with a helpless Bette stuck to the rotting corpse head of her dead sister is absolutely chilling. The idea of being forever shackled to a dead person is, just, oooh ho ho, yikes. It delivered the right amount of shiver.

The correlation between gravity and time. I understand the basics of what happens but it's still like saying "the wind is affected by how many people think about it". It's just not something I can picture realistically.

I used to scoff loftily at the Cumberbitches too (he looks like an artist's representation of what an alien who's only heard second-hand accounts thinks a human looks like - that's the kind of shit I would say). But along the way I caught feelings and have tried (to no avail!) to stave off the fluttery feelings he

Bigger than this?

at the beginning of this episode when Gabriel shows up, I turned to my wife and said "I'm kind of worried...that's 3 black men, 4 if you count of them is going to die." Sure enough.

Yeah we all look alike.

she reminds me of aaliyah... like a hipster voguing futuristic aaliyah with a higher voice

The Ring. It scared the pants off all my friends (my best friend couldn't even look a turned-off TV in the face for a long time), but when I saw it, I was kind of "Meh."

Star Trek TNG.

He must have loved Nolan's line about the needs of the many.

omg yes. Why didn't he just pull a Godric instead of having to explode on Sookie.