
On Valentine's Day, we all become Jennifer Aniston, and nobody wants that.

Are you really seriously defending creationism?

What are you trying to peer pressure me into stealing? Am I sixteen? No. Then knock it the f*** off! And to answer your question, no, I don't buy all my "albums." But there are legal ways to preview music (pandora, grooveshark, youtube) before you buy and there are ways to buy individual songs without buying entire

Exactly! I was working my dream job and making not a whole heck of a lot (and paying most of that to bills and rent) while my sister's fiancee was making more than me working as a Seafood Manager at a grocery store. We each felt successful in our own right though neither of us would've wanted anything to do with what

So maybe Women's Health readers are just narcissists. Or maybe Women's Health readers are just more successful in general. That's a strange demographic to have, but maybe Women's Health attracts a generally more successful readership somehow. Of course, it doesn't help that success is relative.

Agreed. x1000!!

No, I'm with you. It looks like Mrs. Biderman has chosen to take the blue pill in this situation.

I really dislike the whole "I cheat because I don't believe in monogamy" scenario. The people who use this justification remind me of the people who justify stealing MP3s or ebooks. "I don't have the money for/don't want to spend the money on this, but I don't want to not have it, so I'll just steal it and that's ok

James just doesn't want to wear a kilt anymore because he's ashamed of his faun legs. Don't be ashamed to be furry, Mr. Tumnus, no matter what those Narnian ladymags tell you!

I am so sad that Rich and Winston didn't think of this first!

Ooh, ooh, I can do it. 1. Jennifer Aniston is born. 2. Jennifer Aniston exists. 3. Therefore Jennifer Aniston is sad.

I DIDN'T say "the porn aesthetic". I said the gay male community's standards. I don't agree that this aesthetic comes from porn, as I've said before. I believe society sets the aesthetic and the porn industry, as an industry based on mass-producing and selling visual fantasy, picks up on what will sell. And no, the

1. Oh I'm LOLing HARD! If you think there isn't a standard of beauty throughout the gay male community that is nigh-unattainable, and that there are many of us who don't fit that standard who aren't affected by it, then you are clearly INCREDIBLY ignorant of the gay male community. I have as much insecurities about my

Because men nowadays are raised to believe that their sexual prowess requires them to get their partner to orgasm. If there was a reason your wife couldn't cum that wasn't about you, and you still felt bad, then it's your issue. Sometimes sex without cumming is just fine and pushing the issue just makes things

As a guy who has spent years watching porn instead of having sex with actual partners (mainly due to recovering from sex addiction), I can tell you that you're wrong (or just too blanket-statement-y and anti-porn-biased for my liking). Maybe porn desensitizes SOME guys (some truly ignorant guys) to the realities of

I feel about as bad for them as I'd feel for anyone who fell into an addiction or compulsive behavior and was suffering the consequences. This isn't "this happened to me once so feel bad for me." This is "I have a problem and I don't know how to stop/don't want to stop." I can relate to the compulsive behavior and

I think if I were Meghan McCain, I would start hanging up on my father's press secretary until he got the point. Or I'd prepare a little discussion of my own. It would go something like this: "I'm a big girl. I'm clearly going to say whatever I want. These discussions are over. Don't call me again!"

I think it would've been a lot creepier if he hadn't pursued her romantically for so long, and if it hadn't been such a tender and loving event when it finally occurred.

Agreed. It's her life to live, and there's nothing wrong with not wanting to be in an unhappy marriage. But I really hope she isn't throwing away something great because she wants to party and get drunk with celebrities. Esp. since her husband is, ya know, a prince...and prince trumps celebrity!

YAY! Now I'm glad you showed me how to nominate!