
Thanks for that! And I totally just nommed you. And also nominated you. :-) Om nom nom.

Margaret, thank you for answering questions and helping some of the confusion. I may be missing where it was already posted, but can you explain a little bit about these empty stars that are clickable on some peoples' avatars. If I click one, am I starring someone or is this a new hearting system? And if so, does that

If I knew how to nominate for comment of the day on the new format, I would totally nominate you for this.

Ok you can be on his left side and I'll be on his right. Let's just try to avoid eye contact with each other. Awwwwwkward!

But on the flip side, what about folks like Hailee Steinfeld who have black heritage but are passably white? If they choose to identify as white but recognize the rest of their heritage, should Black as an identity be forced upon them? I'm not saying there's a right answer. Just posing a question for the sake of

Man, the someecard writes itself: Congratulations on showing your ignorance by writing something without knowing what you're talking about, while trying to call out someone else's ignorance for writing something without knowing what they're talking about. And yes, as others have pointed out, Dodai is black. And IIRC,

I'm nomming my own comment for #cotd, since I've been extremely hilarious lately (or at least I think so HA) but not been nommed. []

@lollilove: More like pretending to be confused to mask rampant sexual attraction and/or in-the-closet homosexuality, both of which he might be too ashamed to let his (crazy conservative) mother see. LOL!

@H_H: That seems to be more your issue though, if you can't separate the actor from their role in your head. Especially since actors tend to play different roles and have, ya know, real-life personalities on top of their roles.

@Argbiggan: Hilariously enough, the year he was born was the year you were 14, if I'm doing my math correctly. LMAO!

@Morning Gloria: Seriously! Don't they know the original Alfalfa was killed in a bar fight? That is NOT a good role model to imitate.

@agentgabs: Gross! Do not compare my lover, Zac Efron, to the Bieb. That thought may send me into the loony bin.

This is the collective thought of every teenage Biebhole out there upon seeing this picture:

@clevernamehere: Yeah. I mean, honestly, I feel like that's the kind of stuff that if you don't get it, you figure it out real fast when you have your own kid. But then again, I'm also gay so I've never had the "my wife will take care of it" thoughts in my head. Maybe I'm immune from that because there will only be

@clevernamehere: I get what you're saying, but I still don't think it's fair to say that guys automatically have no idea what having a kid entails. Any guy with half a brain and a television should know that babies cry a lot for no reason/complicated reasons that they cannot communicate to the point of parental

@sarahmas: HA! I'm totally jeally!!

@paperymoon: Thank you. And to be fair, I do see where you were coming from too. And I totally agree that if anyone/thing's to blame, it's the patriarchy. #thepatriarchyhurtseveryone

@paperymoon: I'm a guy who wants a kid (someday, when I'm financially able) and I resent the constant implications that I want a child because I don't know what I'm getting into. It's not just you comment - I've had friends flat out tell me that I should get a dog first, as if taking care of the dog would prepare me

@sarahmas: This comment pretty much guaranteed that I would be googling that exact phrase (I'm morbidly curious). But nothing came up when I did it. :-(