@BabyJane: HAHAHA! That picture might also be the answer to how she wipes herself. If it's good enough for a cat... ;-)
@BabyJane: HAHAHA! That picture might also be the answer to how she wipes herself. If it's good enough for a cat... ;-)
@Aesop's Foibles.: Very carefully. :-P
@loveyh1: I knew a girl in college who put horse hoof lacquer on her nails to keep them from breaking. Not sure if that is smart but might be a method to keep them from breaking.
@Curt Cole: Oh snap! Curt has a new picture and is showing off his hotty hotness! Pardon me while I swoon.
Ya know, this is weird as hell, but props to her. I love when people develop strange habits or quirks and are really into them. Might as well make life worth living, right?
@Aesop's Foibles.: Maybe she has a stick that she attaches wet-wipes to.
@cottoncandy_sweetandlow: Yes, I can navigate the streets of New York while fully reading. But I have magical powers when it comes to books. I also don't have to use bookmarks or dog-ear my pages to save my spot. :-D
@leytpr4: But how public was it really? The only people who would be seeing this post are the kid's friends and, if his profile wasn't private, anyone who was searching for him. So why was the teacher or the administrator who caught him searching for a teenager's profile? And why is it their place to seek out these…
@goldenrae: You're making the assumption that all teachers who get nasty comments are assholes
@leytpr4: I completely disagree. I had a lot of choice things to say about asshole teachers when I was in high school, especially considering most of the teachers did their part to ensure bullying continued by way of maintaining ignorance and upholding rules that helped the bullies more than the bullied.
@banditalamode: Are you emulating Mary-Kate or Ashley?
@cottoncandy_sweetandlow: If I could afford them, and if I could maneuver just as well while wearing gloves (i.e. being able to turn the pages of my book, or pull my metrocard out of my wallet quickly) I would gladly buy a pair of gloves. Until such day, I am hand-in-pocket guy (unless I'm reading, when I become…
@DinaRonson : Elizabeth Cady Stanton: I am SO glad you asked this, even if it's not in the right area. I am going to eavesdrop on the responses.
KHeig is pouting because she wanted to hold the umbrella for herself, but her mom wouldn't let her.
@Nun Shall Pass: He was my 2nd choice.
@AccostHer Wilde: Ryan Gosling OF COURSE!
I would totes love a rom-com starring Mindy Kaling. When I saw the trailer for No Strings Attached for the first time, and thought it was a rom-com with Ashton and Mindy, I was SO excited! And then sad when it turned out she was not the star.
@LucyPevensie: YAY! Then my job here is done. :-D
@NYGal81: Aw thanks! I love yours. It tells me you are a fellow NYer and also the same age as me. Kindred!!
@roquelaure: She'd just steal your grandmother's rings and leave in the middle of the night.