
@NYGal81: I'm not contesting that Elton needs to keep his yap shut about other people. And sure, music AND lyrics adds a whole new level to the composition of a song. My only point was that Elton IS out there still making music, in his own way. I don't even know if it's true that Billy has or hasn't composed new

@bellaluna0511: You sound very immature and you are obviously missing the very intelligent and thought-provoking point that @TopLevelExecutive has made.

@NYGal81: Actually, Elton John composed the music for Billy Elliot the Musical (and was nominated for a Tony for it), as well as Lestat, The Lion King and Aida. He also released a studio album in 2010. So...your other points aside, Elton is still composing music, and enjoyable music at that.

Hey Juicy J, you want to find a girlfriend? Try not telling her she needs a boob job and a tummy tuck before you've even met her. That's Step 1.

@VisforVanity: You just made me feel very old. LOL! But I forgive you because you ref'ed Mike 'n' Ikes and they're my fave (along with Skittles).

@elephantom: Hey, I get it. I didn't have that much of an issue either, aside from wanting clarification, until the OP and co. started getting uber-defensive.

@LazyHippo: This made me convulsively laugh and almost snort. Mucho props!

@Queenjulie: The title isn't off. Side doesn't mean "not center" if side is in comparison to the focal point, which is the far left.

@VisforVanity: I love that clip. I have it favorited on YouTube. I love even more that Darrell is played by a woman.

@MySandwich: As both a gay man and a book editor, I would automatically expect this book to be hetero-focused unless otherwise stated. It's sad but gay-friendly stuff is usually called out, since that's a specific marketing hook.

@Princess Leela: I'd say only you know if you're being "too picky" or just waiting for someone who strikes your fancy. I had a friend tell me once that "beggars can't be choosers" and it ENRAGED me. I want to be in love more than anything. I'm what happens when watching Disney movies goes awry (and I'm a guy even).

@St. Francis of a Sissy: I agree with @rocketgeek. Stop trying to make someone want you who obviously doesn't want you and find someone who wants you for YOU. And in the meantime, learn to love yourself enough so you will never consider changing yourself for someone who doesn't love the real you.

@Swifter: "Way to generalize," says one of the men who don't follow those rules.

@sixiebubs: OH! Oops, typo. :-) Yeah I agree - no weak and needy Lois. That's the Smallville influence on me. I'm used to a Lois who kicks her own amount of butt and only needs The Blur (Superman) for the occasional bullet stopping or gravity defying save.

@sixiebubs: No, that would go completely against the Superman mythology and the evolution that Lois Lane has undergone over the years. If she weak and needy she wouldn't be the feminist icon (or as much of one as she could possibly be) she is today.

@loonyluna: That's completely off-topic since this is a PSA for New York Marriage Equality. I get Texas Pride. I have many Texan friends who have taught me that Texas Pride is a ridiculous mutant with a life of it's own. I get it. But that's not what this is about.

@sixiebubs: Ugh no, she would not. It's official, @sixiebubs, you are fired from the casting committee for the new Superman movie. LOL! But you can be an extra in the disaster scene where Supes saves the day.

@summerisnotaverb: It was more about your implication that she shouldn't be allowed to call herself a New Yorker that I was reacting to (and that I'm assuming @baseballchica03 was reacting to as well).

@VanMundegaarde: Angela Bassett is too old for Lois, I think, but yes...Hollywood needs to make Kerry Washington happen in a much bigger way. Not sure if it should be as Lois Lane (does Kerry have what it takes to be spunky? That's my go-to adjective for Lois Lane) but I would really like to be seeing her face