@netfe: Unfortunately, no. Sadly.
@netfe: Unfortunately, no. Sadly.
@ScarletJewel: Well he doesn't want the baby to steal his thunder. GOD! :-P
@StuckOnRepeat: This gif is superfantastic!
@Princess Leela: I'm with you. I want to get married more than probably anything else in the world, aside from having a baby...but I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life than end up in a miserable marriage with someone I'm not happy with.
@stoprobbers: You are so hearted!
@weaselina: What if you had a peanut butter pillowcase? There's a reason to stay in bed if I ever heard one.
@blatantlybourgeois: Can I start hanging out at your house?
As long as Samoas and Thin Mints are safe, I'm happy. If they cut off my Samoa supply, I'd have to cut a bitch.
@Sin DeRolla: By him implying that Murphy, as a gay man, should go out and do all of the things that are typically female (buy a bra, etc) he is implying that because he is gay, he is less than a man. He is both taking a shot at femininity by implying that feminine traits are less than masculine ones, and taking a…
@Sin DeRolla: It is also homophobic, since it implies that gay men are not real men. It's a 1-2 misogyny/homophobia punch.
@sayruh: Definitely agree. Barbara Hershey's performance creeped me out big time!
@Damob: HA! It's yours with my permission.
@chloekinsicle: I love that you referenced Ever After. Even before I read your P.S., I had drawn the correlation.
@bitchyolympian: Who in this day and age is shocked by 20-something actors playing teenagers? The fact that most of the kids playing the roles are adults doesn't change the fact that we're presented with teen characters singing songs. It doesn't make Ryan Murphy any less of a douche, but I see what he's saying (or…
@colorisnteverything: Sadly, I saw Gloria and I immediately went to "Gloria! Gloria! I think they got your number (Gloria!)". Yeah...I need a timeout.
@AngriestGeek: Hey, Supernatural is pretty awesome. I don't know about the other shows so much.
@Kazzah: Jezebel needs to organize a sing-along night. I would totes go to that!
@midgwit: Not that I don't agree with your point, but the characters the actors play are 16-17. I'm pretty sure that's what Ryan Murphy is referring to when he says "close to their age".
One more point in the "New York Post is just another rag" column...they have a picture captioned as "Elizabeth Olsen with her sisters" and Elizabeth Olsen isn't even in the photo. I knew that and I've only seen a picture of her once (and confirmed with Google). Way to not check your facts, NYP!