
@Auntie_Maim: Yeah but there's a general feeling that a guy (especially one my size) can walk through a dark neighborhood without being bothered, whereas a girl would be looking over her shoulder worrying about being attacked and/or raped. I used to wander my very safe (for the most part) neighborhood in the middle

@BlondeGoddess: Yeah, I don't mind Cheers. It just makes me feel verrrrry old.

@BlondeGoddess: I seriously miss The Dick Van Dyke Show and Bewitched and all those black & white shows. It makes me sad that in this day and age, Nick at Nite has been integrated into the TVLand Channel and now shows things like The Cosby Show and Cheers.

@lickitysplit: Get your mind into the gutter, you clean, non-perv! (see what I did there?)

I am repeatedly shocked whenever there is news about someone being upset or surprised that Mila Kunis hasn't won/been nominated for her role ni Black Swan. I thought she was great and the movie was amazing, but Mila was playing a character that seemed very similar to her normal personality (with a bit of That 70's

I used to walk around the city at night wrapped in the warm embrace of my 6'5" male privilege...until I was menaced at knife-point. Now I look over my shoulder in certain neighborhoods too. Bloomberg is full of shit.

@WildStrawberry: Yeah but have you ever been in a group of overly sexed teens with one virgin? It comes up...A LOT! Hell, it comes up a lot with my virginal 20-something friends. When you have a group of teens who are thinking about and having sex all the time, the one awkward or shy person who hasn't had sex gets

@WildStrawberry: I have friends who are still virgins in their late-20's and they have always had a mixed gender circle of friends and gone to all the same parties. What do those traits have to do with being realistic as a virgin?

@clevernamehere: I agree. I appreciate Dan Savage's sex-positive, honest approach to the advice he gives, but I have a problem with the biased standpoint he takes on monogamy not being natural and vanilla sex being boring. I can be as kinky as the next gay person, but sometimes vanilla can be amazing and I have no

That's ok. Taco Bell tacos contain less than 3% taco meat filling these days anyway. Most of the taco is lettuce with a sprinkling of cheese. You're lucky if you can even find the faux-beef to choke down.

@Lynx: Well yeah. But she didn't make that choice, so she doesn't get to choose whether he has legal rights to be a part of his son's life.

@Leucadia: 1: cut a hole in a box...

@Morning Gloria: He did, temporarily, but his black magic (see what I did there?) was no match for Dick Cheney's angry white man hoodoo.

Oh to be a seahorse.

@nyc-caribbean-ragazza: I think she's just doing it because she is immature herself and wants nothing to do with him, plus her mother is probably pushing her to get this done so they can disassociate with him for political and publicity purposes. The whole thing seems vile, even if he is an immature douche who needs

@Captain_Grumpy: Yup. We'll have to agree to disagree, which ultimately was my entire point. Do what you want to do, I'll do what I want to do.

@nyc-caribbean-ragazza: Seriously! I mean, I wish he was being a better father, but he's young and obviously he needs to grow up and get some sense in his head (I think they both do - she just comes off more level-headed because she has mommy's money and PR people helping her out and she's not as crazy as her

I didn't know they were remaking James Bond: Goldeneye with Demi Moore playing Xenia Onatopp. Does this mean Thomas Hayden Church is our new Bond? Weeeeeeird mental image.