
@slightlyhardup: You misread. The writer (Tajah) is claiming that she (Tajah) hooked up with RiRi.

@Captain_Grumpy: Well luckily you don't dictate my choices. Personally, I'm glad my parents chose to circumcise me when I was a baby, rather than leave the awkward and painful decision up to me. I'll be doing the same for my son.

@urgent like fire: And that's fine for you. I'm glad you like what you have. You should. But that doesn't mean I should choose something different for my son.

@MadFab: AHAHAHA!!! I get it. And yes, he was DEFINITELY a PILF in those movies.

@MadFab: P...apa I'd like to fuck? P...hantasy character I'd like to fuck? P...erfect specimin of the male creature I'd like to fuck? Please to explain.

@cornflowerbleume: It's hard not to be overshadowed when your best friend if Oprah. Also, I would imagine they must share personality traits, since they're such close best friends.

I don't know who I'm more jealous of. Orlando Bloom for having an adorable little baby or Miranda Kerr for getting with that sexy DILF/elf (DELF? EILF?).

@Rare Affinity: Shame can be a very powerful thing. Maybe after all these years she couldn't face her mistake.

@rampantwhistler: Gonohrrea, AIDS and tornadoes - all natural. Which one were you referring to?

@Captain_Grumpy: And what about all the other decisions parents make about their childrens lives that are irreversible? Should I resent my parents for choosing to raise me in the suburbs and not a more culturally diverse city? Should I resent them for reading to me and not teaching me sports when I was a child, thus

@Captain_Grumpy: But again, as someone pointed out, culturally male circumcision is ok and NOT the same as FGM. And honestly, I'm not too worried about my future son resenting his circumcision, given that it's culturally accepted in the US AND the fact that his father is circumcised. He'll grow up learning of

@SlayBelle: The difference being that by fucking someone with HIV, they are potentially giving you a deadly disease. By fucking someone who is an undercover cop, they aren't giving you anything. You may be more inclined to give them information but, again, that choice is still yours to make.

@ad_infinitum: Well it would need to be proven. One person's word against another's isn't enough. But as I said elsewhere, that's a matter the officers' superiors need to address. I still don't think it constitutes abuse. Entrapment, perhaps, but that's why the US has such laws.

@TiLoBrown: I am cut and I don't feel mutilated. Maybe it's a cultural thing but none of the cons for circumcision have struck me as particularly that bad. Lost sensitivity? I'm plenty sensitive. Sometimes too sensitive. And I have amazing orgasms. So that's never been a problem.

@SlayBelle: Well the specifics are fairly moot because apparently these undercover officers are being allowed to have sex with those they're investigating. Until they make that against the rules, it doesn't matter whether they're seducing or being pounced on. But the way they're describing it, as a highly sexual

@mike563: I'm going to add my voice to the "had it done and am ok with it" camp. I've never had a problem with sensitivity or enjoying sex..

@GetTheButtah: He wasn't saying it's a guarantee. But medically, the risks are higher. From what the article says, he was giving unbiased information, pros and cons of both sides, but the clip did not show all of that.

@Captain_Grumpy: Can we stop comparing male circumcision to any sort of female genital mutilation/cutting please? As a circumcised male who plans on circumcising my future son but wouldn't dream of doing anything like that to my daughter, I find the whole thing highly insulting. The anatomy is different - stop