
@cornflowerbleume: Gayle King is a journalist/TV news anchor in her own right and always has been. I remember watching her on my local channel when I was a kid.

@SlayBelle: I can agree that it's morally repugnant and if I really thought about it, I'd probably agree this shouldn't be allowed. But I don't think this can or should be considered sexual assault or lack of consent.

@bluebears: Right, I get that. But I'm saying I don't think it's the same thing as a doctor sleeping with their patient. I'm just saying if they're not sexducing information out of these people and rather are being seduced and allowing themselves to enjoy sex as part of their cover, I don't see the conflict. Sure,

@bluebears: That's definitely an issue, but if these situations are as sexually charged as they're describing, what does a police officer do if they're undercover and women are throwing themselves at them? If both parties want to do it and it protects their cover, why not? Obviously seducing someone to get them to

I'm not sure I really like this whole trend of "I didn't know x about the person I slept with, therefore I couldn't given consent" trend that's been happening in the media/lawsuits lately. I mean, if someone lies to you to get you to sleep with them and you believe that lie, he's a dick but you still consented. It's

@seejanerum: Agreed. I think straight celebs like Jason Mraz and Charlize Theron who say they won't get married until gay people have the right as well are doing something that shows how vehemently they oppose the inequality in this country. By saying they won't marry until everyone can, they are choosing not to

@KingCouth: Sometimes I get really jealous looking at celeb teeth and thinking about how straight and white they are, and then looking at mine which are not that messed up but are slightly chipped from biting my nails and definitely NOT white. But then I think about all the shit they've probably had to do to get

I need Jezzie-perspective/advice on a dating situation that went horribly awry. I don't date much and feel completely bamboozled:

@okeydokeyartichokey: That seems like a long time, but some people aren't as sexual as others. If it's a problem for you and not for them, it could become a bigger problem once you're married (if only because you'll be legally bound to them).

@AspasiaTheLayza: I think this is your own personal issue here. That cat is completely calm, to the point of just sitting there and not getting out of the box when they start to flip it over. S/he doesn't make a move to get out when they take the cover off multiple times or when they are flipping the box over.

So now hickeys are tacky AND deadly? It is not a good day to have an erotically charged neck.

@loveyh1: Or their switching schedules is what has led to Oprah's "fluctuating weight" over the years.

@SheelaNaGig: Or just smush and be Jason Prettymraz. :-P

@loveyh1: My soap opera guess is that Oprah is actually two twin sisters who switch places every few months or so, so there's not just one Oprah.

@Curt Cole: It's comments like these that make you my hero.

@SeriesofTubes: Agreed to an extent. If it's non-consensual, it is physical abuse. If you are letting someone pour liquor down your throat, then I would argue otherwise.

@bernie.jackson: I love that you posed the question "Is military "boot camp" hazing?" It's such a good comparison. I just posted above about how I think hazing news is ridiculous and anything short of rape or physical violence is something the pledges choose to participate in and can walk away from at any time. I

I am so over news about hazing. College kids are adults (aside from the atypical 17-year old freshman). They can make their own decisions about what to do or not to do, including submitting to peer pressure. They should also know, given the stereotypical (but often times accurate) view most people have of

@gnocca: re: Coco. She's a model who is best know as Ice-T's wife.