
@traviswilson: Exactly! Wolves usually only attack humans when they are desperate for food or they feel attacked. So obviously they weren't hungry. They probably just looked at this kid, though "what a fool" and walked away to talk about him out of earshot.

@Yoana: Because, ya know, being a feminist means you have to agree with every woman and disagree with every man or you're kicked out of the club.

@Gnatalby: So you'd want her to lie? If she feels her most important role in life is as a mother to her child, then why should she be faulted for being honest? Just because her answer was not feminist for you doesn't make it any less true.

@brett108: As both a fan of Potter and a fan of Percy, I am going to have to politely but strongly disagree with you. The first Potter movie was brilliant. It followed the story almost to a tee (a few minor changes) and was fun to follow and enjoy. The Percy Jackson movie strayed so far from the plot that it just

@I'm Ron Burgundy?: Agreed! I love the idea of a strong lady warrior/superhero, and I get why Wonder Woman is iconic in that respect. But she is yawn-o! I'd rather see a movie about Storm (seriously - how has no one greenlit XMen Origins: Storm yet - she was a pickpocket, she was buried alive, she's claustrophobic,

@kenzington: And before that, DC had Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, so I don't necessarily think Jonah Hex should be the defining film in their ouevre. That's like using Ghost Rider to judge all Marvel films.

@clevernamehere: Or, ya know, he convinced her to name the baby after one of his grandfathers.

A former roommate discovered my OKCupid profile the day after a horrible breakup with the guy who took her virginity. She proceeded to copy my profile, change a few words so it fit her better (gender pronouns, for instance, and perhaps a few of the favorite books/musicians) and met a ton of guys in the following two

@st41rw3ll: That's very interesting and good to know. And yes, looking back on the history of the Irish and Italian in American history and the way they were treated as non-white and less-than by other whites, I can definitely see the whole "with more white peeps, they gotta find someone to fetishize" concept.

@mimieliza: That's Ms. Chanandler Bong. Come on! We steal that TV Guide every week!

@alwaysadrunkneverabride: OMG, you are my TV soulmate. The One with the Video is MY favorite too. And I loooove S4 if only for the trivia game in The One With the Embryos.

@BabyJane: Is this friendship? I think so!

@Candychelle: This man and I should be friends. You basically just described me...aside from the Chinese and post-doc parts. And the learning English part.

As someone who has almost all of Friends memorized from so many viewings and who currently has S7 cued up in the DVD player, this makes me supremely happy!

@It's.Not.Opposite.Day: Sounds more like excuse-making to try to save her stupid ass from jail to me.

@CogitoErgoNom: I definitely agree. Especially at private high schools like mine that were so gung-ho about pushing EVERY student to apply for college so they could then say "last year every single senior applied to college." It would've been nice if they backed that up with some sort of education on how to pick the

@CogitoErgoNom: I definitely think it's just a problem with society in general. We shouldn't be expecting every employee to have a full college degree ust to be qualified to apply for a job.

@FelineFraulein: Also, after talking to a Chinese-American friend who has been living over in China, being a white man can sometimes be fetishized too. Probably not as much in the US, but definitely in the world as we know it.