
@VirtuousVixen: Sir Mix-a-lot only promised that HE cannot lie about liking big butts.

@ThereIsNoFluffy: This gif is good for everything (and especially this) and I love it.

@thehouserules: Yeah I've use this before and just bitten through the gross taste. It doesn't work for me.

@ShakespeareGeek: I'm right there with ya. I'm almost 30 years old and have bitten my nails down to nothing since I had teeth. Kicking the habit is difficult not just because of the habit itself but because I am so not used to having nails that when they start to get even a little bit long, my self-instilled

@EyesofMarz: That doesn't necessarily mean she's crazy. We don't know what the ex was doing to her emotionally to make her feel insecure enough to want to drive by his house. Some guys are obliviously good at mindgames.

@LindyLou: Well the ladies I'd be attracting would be attracted to my money (I'm gay and would be paying for a surrogate and egg donor).

@Halleisacollegefootballwhore: Oh it's totally true. Jake is totally a 'mo. I just hate that line and hate when I go to karaoke and friends sing THAT line and not the line that comes up on screen because they bought a version of the CD before that was changed/replaced.

@BrianDoh: Which is why I said I thought the client had issue too. It doesn't mean the matchmaker isn't disgusting too.

Yeah, dudes need more than "don't drink Mountain Dew/don't wear snug underwear" when it comes to fertility topics. As a guy who hopes to one day conceive a child, I'd really like to know what I can do to make sure I'm fully equipped to do so.

@newlymrs: Oh, that's totally fine. I wasn't attacking you per say (and I hope it didn't seem like I was). Your comment just inspired me to write my own comment in response, that's all.

@BrianDoh: I never said that. I'm just as revolted by men saying things like that as I am by the matchmaker saying that. My point was that instead of telling this woman she should find somebody more in her league, this matchmaker should've done a better job at finding guys who were more to the client's taste (and

@spacedcowgirl: Exactly! And telling someone "you are a 5 and should date other 5's, not 10's" is a great way of making your client insecure enough that they might miss their chance with the right guy (whether he be 10 or 5 or whatever - the whole numbering thing is gross) because they now feel unattractive and

@BrianDoh: I disagree. There are ways to make that point and telling someone to date a "5" rather than a "10" because it's more appropriate for them (and thus implying that they are not a "10" because they are bigger) is NOT anywhere near making the point that you should find someone who wants you for you and not

@newlymrs: I don't agree with the thought that people should date "someone similar in looks". That statement might as well be translated into "fatties should just stick to dating other fatties because no one else will want them."

@1986: Agreed about the makeup. She looked much more beautiful in the first clip when she wasn't all "dolled up".

I talked to the boyfriend and he told me he wasn't going to propose to his girlfriend until she got her nails cut to the proper length.

@johnnyleo11: Oh I totally get that. I just don't think it can be considered a safety risk to take a picture like this if the gun was chccked and emptied of ammunition. There is no sense in anyone getting upset about this picture but the family of the guy who the gun is aimed at and since he's the one who is

@Being pecked to death by a chicken: I know - it makes me so riled up. For much less than 1/20th of his salary from ONE movie, Ben Stiller could pay off my student loan debts and not even make a debt in his income.