
@mrsjakeryan: He and Luke MacFarlane from Brothers & Sisters need to hook up.

@johnnyleo11: I can understand that. It's a good rule, probably designed to keep idiots who own guns from shooting people around them. But if you are properly trained in how to use a gun safely and correctly, and you know it isn't loaded (including the round in the chamber), then I can't see how it is irresponsible

@BrutallyHonester: David would represent himself and knock that giant down.

@leftyleftylou: Something tells me the people who are priveleged enough to be able to sue over something like this already have enough money to throw around and not take out of the college fund/retirement fund.

@QueenOfTheForest: But if they KNEW that the gun was not loaded (including the chamber) then is it really that irresponsible? If I were that Duggar guy, I would've made damn sure the gun wasn't loaded before giving it to a friend who was going to hold it pointed at me.

@johnnyleo11: I think it's none of our business until they shoot each other in the head. We're not their parents and if they're following the letter of the law, then who the f*** cares.

@physalis: So are most of the pictures on Facebook and MySpace, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with taking them.

@QueenOfTheForest: There's a difference between thinking a fun isn't loaded and knowing it isn't loaded. Since we have no proof they were being irresponsible with their weapons, should we really assume the worst?

@DutchessOfDork: I don't see it directed at him as much as it's directed at the media's obsession with him.

@Baby_Bird: You don't have to love everyone from your home country to be patriotic. There...I fixed it for you. :-)

@PortraitHat: But you're at least 5% LESS snarky than the lesser known cousin, Cro-mudgeon.

@Jugoslovenka (Slatka): If the law regarding cafes is anything like how it works in New York City, they'll be able to smoke in the outdoor areas of cafes but not indoors. The idea behind these bans is to create a healthier environment for non-smoking patrons and, more importantly, the employees who have to be there

@Jugoslovenka (Slatka): Right, of course. I'm just saying I'd actively go to the med schools and drop trou if they needed conscious volunteers (and perhaps it would stop some of this violating practice). But I'd want to get paid, cuz, hi-my-name-is Broke-ass and In-debt.

@Jugoslovenka (Slatka): Why is it extreme to ask you to keep your smoking outside when the alternative is to smell your nasty cigarette smoke and have it affect OUR health?

@xodallas: I'm pretty much at the "f*** the people who think it's their right to smoke in the same room as me" mentality at this point. No, you don't have the right to slowly kill me with your second-hand smoke. Just because you're an addict doesn't mean I should have to suffer. And really, how hard is it to go

@SorciaMacnasty: They can take it outside, where it doesn't affect the health of non-smoking employeets and patrons. This is not an infringement of rights. You don't have the god-given right to do drugs wherever you damn well please (whether that drug is nicotine or something much worse).

@Jugoslovenka (Slatka): I'd allow med students to examine my genitals (and I say that in a completely non-sexual/non-creepy way). Do the med-schools pay people for that?

@CashMoneyHoney: I think I'm totally deficient because I don't see what you mean. What link? (sorry to be so dense)