
@CashMoneyHoney: I don't see the Flat Stanley. Where is it in the picture?

@Vivelafat says Sweep the leg, Johnny.: I don't think he's saying suicide itself is fun. Just that, disconnected from the actual reality of it all, facetiously contemplating how you would kill yourself can be fun. I get that. You're not thinking about the pain you might experience or the pain you'd cause all your

@TheyCallMeSwamper: Actress Hedy Burress's real name is Heather. So maybe sometimes it can be short for that.

@memoryhouses: I'm definitely starting to resent the guy I'm "seeing." I put seeing in quotes because we only had two (amazing) dates and he was so into me and now we're on hiatus until after the holidays because his job was running him ragged. Only it irks me that he can't even be bothered to text me every so often

@xthelastgirl: Well to be honest the friends just make me more anxious by saying things like "don't act too crazy too fast" or "don't act clingy/needy/desperate" which not only makes me worry that I'm doing that, but then makes me annoyed that my friends clearly don't know me well enough to know that I would have more

@ChrissyKat: Isn't "the worst" the definition of a Lifetime movie? ;-)

*Find a real job that I'm passionate about (sick of temping/unemployment).

My strategy for dealing with my own anxious dating persona is to vent it all out to friends and not let him see that side of me AT ALL. At least until we're past the stage where he might be scared away by all that.

@frankie22: Sometimes scary can be hot. But not if they accidentally shoot you to death (see yesterday's article about the guy from Oklahoma who killed his wife).

@ChrissyKat: I could see it as a Lifetime movie.

@annieb603: He's not the dirtbag - he's featured IN the dirtbag. It's a bag of dirt that Jezebel is dishing. Ya dig? (see what I did there?)

@Falen: And socks. Socks are essential on snowy days.

@Hey, Boo Boo: Mugshots are never flattering. Think about it - people are usually in a highly-emotional state after committing a crime or having something tragic happen, or they're drunk or high. They're not happy, so they probably aren't going to be smiling, and they probably haven't showered in a while and aren't

Damn you, Dodai, for being so naturally beautiful! We should all be so lucky.

@dirtnap: Yeah. I guess the line gets blurry when you're talking about verbal consent vs. the ability to give consent when drunk.

My dad used to drive like a maniac (he fit right in when he'd visit me in New York...before I stopped talking to him a few years ago) and would often drive with one hand on the wheel and one on a Budweiser. When I spoke up about how you weren't supposed to "drink and drive" he told me that's not what that meant. I

@dirtnap: But again, we're talking about two people who consented to sex while drunk (thus negating consent on both sides). So if neither person could consent (legally) and both people consented (verbally) but Person A reports a rape for whatever reason and they test her to make sure she is intoxicated beyond the