
@thehouserules: While I typically agree with this train of thought, in this case I can see why they charge said fee. They're a credit card company and since it's a pre-paid credit card, the purchaser is pre-paying the interest as well as the amount that is currently on the card. That's how credit card companies make

@voteforme: Actually, I think it's a pretty fair comparison. No, what happened to him was not rape, but it was a sexual violation and one that could potentially put his offenders on a sex offender list.

@samanthajonesprqueen: I'm sorry, no. If he had reported being raped by his roommate, they would have removed him or his roommate from the room IMMEDIATELY. Why wouldn't they move at the same speed for someone being violated by having their sexual encounters taped and placed on the internet?

@Cairn Awaits MizJenkins: I agree with @they call me ginger. Maybe a lawsuit would motivate them to move faster in response to something like this.

@sybann: He! I see what you did there. ::applause::

@lolita7b3: Her purse dog was a horcrux. Whatever happened to it? Was it hidden away in the Room of Requirements?

@VirtuousVixen: He reported it to his RA and nothing was done.

@kackerlacka: Well removing a student from a living situation where he had been sexually harassed and had his sexual privacy violated would've been a first step. This was reported to his RA and nothing was done.

@Lynx: He filed a complaint with his RA.

@metermaid: I'm not a doctor nor do I know anything about you besides what you've told me, but could it be possible you have both strains now? Don't worry too much until you have more information , however, on that note...

I desperately want Russell Brand and Katy Perry to have quadruplets now and name them Yoga, Glitter, Shakespeare and Latex.

@LLisCool: They did reunite. You must've missed it.

@polypam: I think you missed the underlying metaphor of her tweet.

Wow. Looks like someone with less than a full brain tried to capitalize on the success of and is VASTLY lacking in the humor department, thus FAILING and becoming a giant asshole.

Translation of Roitfeld's quote:

@mmmarishka: My first thought was that this guy is in the closet....could have done something else and yet he went for the butt.

@cassandraj: If you're in NYC, they're probably legit. There's an exhorbitant amount of struggling actors on OKC.

@lasercats2: I don't. And I have excellent facial recognition software in my brain.