
Oh yes. Stroking my the physical embodiment of my self esteem issues was not ok.

A new acquaintance of my placed her hand on my belly and asked meh ow far along I was. I was drinking beer at the time and told her I had been working on my baby beer belly for years. We never became friends and I will never forgive her.

Definitively winning. Today is my self care day and it can be yours, too!

Congrats on graduating! When I graduated from college I was disappointed to not have a job lined up...which was stupid since it was at the height of the recession. I don’t know what sort of job you’re looking for but for my profession I knew that working on my portfolio and networking were huge for getting a job. So I

I feel you. I brought two dresses on vacation to wear for a party this weekend. One didn’t fit over my ass and the other would zip up all the way. Apparently only my stretchy clothes from the past still fit. Which makes no sense because I feel better about my body than I did when I bought those dresses but apparently

Ha! i was a regular at this bar and one of the bartenders liked to joke that he and I looked alike and called me sis. I brought my mom there, got her knockered after one drink. She grBbed the bartender by his arm when he passed by to tell him he definitely didn't look like her son. Then whispered to me he wasn't good

My mom is legend among my friends for her awesome liberal attitude, unapologetic bluntness and overall awesomeness. Here’s why.

The worst part of having an iPhone is discovering that even after deleting the ex's number and all contact history his number still shows up when you type in the first letter of his name. It is like my iPhone is enabling me to contact them. Stupid iPhone.

Masturbation really does help. Personally I find the act pretty boring/utilitarian but can't argue with the results.

I spent 12 glorious days traveling through Spain this past summer. Besides a rash on my face for two days thanks to a questionable hostel pillow it was cool until the last night. That night I went in between blowing my nose, coughing, shivering under 4 blankets and taking cold showers. The next day I woke up at 5 am

Ughhh. The beer business can by so full of soft sexism while everyone protests with how inclusive it all is. I work for a beer company, too and the sexism can be ridiculous. It’s a great feeling to watch someone’s face when I’m at a work event and someone in the industry comes up to my colleagues ( I work pretty much

When I was a host at Ruby Tuesday 10 ish years ago they used to try to make me drive 20 minutes to go pick up frozen fries from Walmart when we would run out. I only would agree to do so for added bonuses since although I made minimum wage that was my personal car and gas that I using. I got a fake ID out of it once