
So you're saying that the First People discovered the Higgs Boson and it helped to tear them apart?

I love the Tesco Value A5 or A6 sized notebook. It was durable, spiral bound and a perfect size for jotting notes and keeping recipes. Also it cost less than 50p.

Oops... meant to send this message back to Florida voters in 2000.

You watched Modern Marvel's Tea episode last night, didn't you? Nice summary - saves anyone the 45 mins it takes to watch it on Hulu.

@BruschisBrewsky: "Lebron. I'm sure by now you've heard the very offensive rumors that circulated about your mother and a Cavs teammate. How did you feel when you heard those rumors? Did it or its spread affect your decision in any way?"

You still capitalize "internet"? How quaint.

Brooklyn Kings - combining the name of the borough and the county.

The car bomb used to be called the "Youngstown tune-up". Watch out, visiting teams.

Oh, you guys use google translate, too?

If it's as awesome as "The History of America: Cowboys vs Astronauts" then it just might be watchable.

Vote: friends and family

Now playing

I believe they stole that from Little Giants.

@shwnchr: Well, not having an Android or iPhone, I can't compare. But the BB app allows you to take notes pretty quickly - whether typing it out, taking a picture of it, or dictating it to your phone's microphone. In short, everything the lifehacker description said that the other phone's Evernote apps did. Am I

Why is it not listed that Evernote also runs on Blackberry? This is the app that I use and it has made me much better at stuff I think about on the go. Is Lifehacker now anti-BB??

@samuelk: And you should watch more than just the first seven seconds of Baywatch.

Looks like a low budget Baywatch. Is SyFy that desperate?

Vote: Evernote

Opera. Lately, Puccini. Though I have to avoid conducting with my hands. I get weird looks from my co-workers then...

@MostlyHarmless: 1990-2000? Or are you referring to that new series, the twenty-first century? Those writers are just lazy.