Or maybe someone chopped it up and turned it into a ute.
Or maybe someone chopped it up and turned it into a ute.
then design it in a way that it has the absolute minimal mass to take the forces that are involved for a normal wishbone to
performsit idle in a fancy Saudi garage as it should.”
Florida Man strikes again.
A Dining Hall. Some Amazon lockers.
If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire?
Most “rich” people don’t get rich by “ripping off others”. But they do care about things like markups because they are more savvy about cost and try to make smart choices. This person may be rich, but more likely he’s concerned about image and willing to pay the price for it. Those people seldom stay rich for long.
“Why would the bank let me do this?!” is a hilarious take.
It’s real weird to for two people to confidently pontificate
Thanks for the adVANCEd warning! ;-)
I’d stay away from used couches out of Ohio, too.
Counterpoint: He is smart in exactly zero ways, he is a conman and a snake oil salesman who got rich marketing the ingenuity of others.
It probably barely ran. It’s an old Evo ElectraGlide that someone had modified into a Road King clone. Why?
What my husband keeps saying is that he wants is a hybrid version of the Chrysler Town & Country, or something equivalent. He loves the economy of a hybrid, the reassurance of a gas engine in remote areas, and the convenience of being able to transform the interior between passenger-carrying and cargo-carrying with…
VTEC kicked in
Astrology can help us understand a lot about someone
It’s not terribly surprising that some Tesla fanboys are also turd polishing enthusiasts.
This whole take is ridiculous. If I wrote this, I’d be ashamed to put my name on it.