Pit Pat

How can you have multiple professionals all under oath give you factual statements and medical histories, and a Judge can just dismiss it?”


They never did that with the real Trump, why start now?

You nailed it. That’s exactly how I feel about it. Only, our five year old sobbed when (SPOILER, BUT NOT A SURPRISE IN ANY WAY) the romantic interests broke up near the end, and continued crying through the end and all the way out to the car. Why? “Because they love each other and went away.” Ah, to be young and

“Love: It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru”

Kick Knack Paddy Whack...

Steam is the name of the dog you silly goose

You know there is something wrong when this isn’t even close to the worse thing that Penn State is known for.

Now playing

Leave it to the dudes in ABQ to come up with a simple, cheap solution:

Speaking as a gay: those people are quisling trash, and you’re a miserable lying cunt.

I don’t know who wins, but in this battle, I’m fairly confident everyone loses.

Fun Fact: That train was carrying Kool-Aid. Oh, yeah!

The battle between “Florida Man” and “Las Vegas Man” is on.  

Weird, I just had my second kid and I didn’t turn into a bigot.

Of course he is. And we are free to call his opinion shit and to call your breathless defense of someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire a sad display by a pathetic simp.

As long as it has a little Keanu on the display screen, it’ll be alright.

This is a trick question, because there’s no way in hell that I’m working for that guy.

The correct solution to the question posed by Musk, as well as any question he poses, is to hit him in the head with a brick.

I’ve confronted a couple of my former bullies, and they had no idea what I was talking about. “I guess hurting people is just what you do then, eh?” How can you be remorseful if you don’t know the shit you say or do is wrong?

This is the first McNugget I’ve actually wanted.