Pit Pat

The average length of smartphone ownership is just 2.8 years.

Assuming she filed in California, whats the over/under on this getting torpedoed via the Anti-SLAPP code? Seems like a whole lotta bullshit.

these fuckin people never learn. if sen. Sadsack had just paid the fine, dealt with it quickly, it wouldn’t be a story (or at least much less of one). now she’s Streisanded herself with her little butthurt privileged hissy fit. whatever, she can go fuck herself

Skibidi Ohio Ice Cream Truck

The Panamera is kind of fascinating to me. Performance metrics aside, the first gen was an objectively hideous-looking car. Like, awkward and ugly, full stop. And then with really only a few subtle changes in lines the second gen because a genuinely decent-looking machine. The changes were generally so minor, yet they

counterpoint- it’s a BMW. one of her tires was low by 1.5 psi

There’s certainly some appeal to a car that lacks all the electronics of modern machines (and everything that can go wrong with them).

still slaps

Honestly at this point they should just open-source the code base... it would be the right thing to do for the people stuck with these things

It mostly all works, except for that piss poor grill. It’s like they foresaw the coming BMW M3 grill abomination and thought, “we can do one better”

agreed. Ever seen a fully polished Airstream? They look amazing, especially in person.

There’s no point in debating whether they work well or not, even though there’s enough data out there to suggest that they had a net positive effect for people at high risk. For some reason you’re calling the COVID shot a ‘preventative treatment;’ what the hell is that?  It was made from dead subunits of the virus. 

A decent NP. These things have presence in person, and are a pretty sweet ride.

SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for a used car?!? why in the world would you spend new-car-down-payment money on a used car? you can get a perfectly fine used car for like $2000!

Also missed: Bananarama’s ‘Venus’. Anyone who thinks the Shocking Blue original is better is either devoid of taste, or deaf.

believe it or not, they are completely different phenomena

Ex-LA resident there. I personally think there’s both a lot to love and a lot to hate about Los Angeles. If you take the time to figure the city out you can really reap some excellent dividends; the mix of cultures there is mind boggling and just so much fun. Cuisine also kicks ass, LA gets a raw deal compared to

This type of shit represents everything wrong with Youtuber and ‘content creators.’ To pull this stunt properly, a real film crew would’ve had to pull tons of permits, have safety/emergency crew on site, and abide but a shit ton of rules and regs. But no, some dipshit YouTuber can do this on the cheap and endanger

Potable water

I love the look of this car but in my own completely unscientific and arbitrary mind it’s about $30-40k too much.  Just because.