Pit Pat

Meh, there’s an argument to be made that an effective CEO can be an inspiring leader, that can see the big picture, and has an ear to the ground with regards to future issues of industry. Someone that accepts responsibility for piloting the company through good times and bad.

If I were his neighbor, I’d endeavor to have this “work of art” protected as a landmark, forcing the owner to shell out money every year to keep the mural in tip-top shape.

fuckin a

Ikr? If my brand spanking new car broke down after 35 miles, covered repairs or not, I would be terrified that I just flushed $100k down the toilet.  WTF

I read the name ‘Wonser’ and all I can envision is this guy:

clearly a longtime Hertz fan

i mean, you kind of answered your own question... at least in the late aughts, Buick had a rep in China comparable to Mercedes; people just swooned over them there. Weird.

It pains me to say it but Lutz was spot on with his assessment. Especially considering Pontiac was just hitting their stride again after years of mostly crap...having just released the G8, which- yes, it was a Holden rebadge- but it was a pretty fuckin’ killer performer and a great value to boot.

I dunno, they weren’t all that great. Beyond Thunderdome is just kinda dumb. Fury Road is fantastic and was the right call. High hopes for Furiosa.

I mean, Nigel Mansell was CART champ  and F1 champ at the same time in the early 90s...

Came here to ask the same question. At this point I can’t imagine any normal carrier would touch him with a million-foot pole. But what do I know?

All that amazing engineering, all that R&D, all that heritage, all wrapped up in a skin that is still so fucking ugly I wouldn’t even consider it.

How do y’all think the insurance claim on this crash fared?

meh adding that much HP seems like a sure fire way to grenade your engine or more likely your tranny- even for the GRFEs, which are pretty stout.  its not like your gonna take it on the nurburgring, what’s the point of 400HP in one of these things anyway?

was unsure if i was going to reply to you, since it would take you out of the greys, but sure, I’ll bite. go ahead and hit me with an avalanche of proof that they didn’t work.

1000 x 0 is still 0.  both cars are fugly as hell

Kansas BBQ > *

It’s truly a feet of engineering on Tesla’s part,