Pit Pat

Tesla is fundamentally an AI company — not a carmaker.

Used Car Buying Horror Stories

Ah, Tom Cotton.. the younger, dumber version of Ted Cruz (and Ted Cruz is a fucking moron)

this is an Audi, and its a car on a road. This wins. Always.

Paying one guy already incredibly wealthy guy more money.

It’s certainly pretty great from every angle, but hot damn $57+k is a lot of cheddar for a base model Toyota SUV. Maybe I’m just getting out of touch...

The new design is arguably ‘nicer,’ and more ‘pleasant,’ but far less unique.

That, and weight- the CT weighs at least 1500lb more than an X.

Asperger’s hasn’t been coined as a diagnosis for like 5-10 years. But thanks for explaining it to everyone who already knows exactly what ASD is.

Recall that 2 years ago car prices had crested into outright lunacy, with dealer markups etc being borderline criminal. Not that this excuses her insane fiscal behavior, but it does explain it.

dated as it might be, Autopia lets children of all ages do something they really can’t do almost anywhere else in the world: drive a car.

Especially rich that legislators from Pennsylvania and Kentucky, two of the biggest coal mining states, are concerned about condensed water vapor in the air as a mind-controlling pollutant’ or whatever horseshit they believe. fucking knuckle draggers

I’m still salty that Subaru had the gall to release this WRX concept 10 years ago:

that is quite beautiful in the front.  and quite awful in the back.  the mullet of concept cars, so to speak

Not gonna click on that shit. I refuse to give these fucking morons oxygen.

At like $2500 this becomes an interesting proposition.  At $10k you're out of your goddamned mind.  ND

This is what happens when your tire pressure is 1.5psi off

It’s safe to toss Kevin O’Leary into the same bin as other knuckle-dragging ‘gurus’ such as Jim fucking Cramer.  The generally toxic diarrhea that spews out of their mouth may have the occasional kernel (see what i did there) of truth, but generally, it’s still diarrhea, and it fucking stinks.

The CT does not look cool. Like, at all. It looks bad. And stupid. And terrible.  It looks stupid and bad and terrible.