My contrarian viewpoint- Blazing Saddles is Brooks’ #2 masterpiece, behind Young Frankenstein. The Producers is a distant 3rd.
My contrarian viewpoint- Blazing Saddles is Brooks’ #2 masterpiece, behind Young Frankenstein. The Producers is a distant 3rd.
One would be remiss to not add that these monstrosities are an environmental catastrophe. The shipping industry is bad enough- and yet a necessity in most cases- but knowing that these things are belching out torched bunker fuel for the sake of funsies of the passengers is downright depressing
Barkeepers Friend is for fucking pots and pans. It’s relatively cheap but that’s because you’re only using small amounts of it on small pieces of metal.
Claiming build quality is one of Tesla’s best while also admitting screens go blank at random times seems a tad contradictory, or perhaps they’re just admitting that previous Teslas set the bar for build quality very, very low
i mean, looking at those drawings, this feels even more appropriate than ever
i have spoken
I miss the whole "CAUTION: ZOMBIES AHEAD" trend from 10-15 years ago
The Chevy Cruze, Dodge Journey, and Jeep Compass would like to have a word with you.
Not surprising that there isn’t a single Toyota, Honda or Subaru on the list.
i wish i could understand why people tune into this. in a world where most everyone continues to give less and less of a shit about these awards shows, this is the one they care the least about (deservedly so).
it wasn’t. it was actually a decent mini-gag that Koy completely fucked up.
Average new car price is hovering around $48k these days, but these all seem like genuinely legit, smart choices for a new whip- for far less.
Imagine if we used the efficiencies modern ICE engines have achieved in concert with cars that weighed what they did in the early 90's. Your average Camry would get absurdly great mileage.
Too iffy to deal with a potential douchebro who might've flogged the piss out of his whip and is now trying to cover his tracks. ND
no, but this message thread revealed you to be a thoughtless tool
Elon Musk is a tool. Vladimir Putin is a murderous dictator. Let’s not get too carried away here
From Google: The LAPD currently operates on a budget of $1.9 billion which represents 16% of L.A.’s overall budget. When costs like pensions and health benefits are considered, the number rises to $3.15 billion, representing 26.8% of the overall budget.
all fair points... BTW Cars and Trucks and Things That Go was easily my favorite book as a 5 year old
Based on your own reporting, it appears that it’s $9000, not $10000. Details matter, but sensational headlines matter more I guess.