yes but if the second owner is dumb enough to pay over MSRP for what is now a second-hand car, they should willing (ie dumb enough) to accept the risk
one of the guys was caught on camera when they were doing the good deed.
I had been a State Fraud customer for years, up until about 2 months ago. When we did even the slightest bit of comparison shopping for rates and alternatives, they are comparatively awful. And yeah they have a goddawful track record for honoring claims too.
As a previously-longtime CA resident who’s lived in Indiana for the past 4 years, In-N-Out makes a better burger. Culver’s is good, but it’s really not even very close. And while while everyone loves to hate on In-N-Out fries, I applaud them for making the fresh on location, right in front of you. Personally i like…
i mean, the alternative is clearly worse (chinese Li sourcing), as long as regs are followed here to not completely decimate the regional environment. for better or for worse, Li is going to continue to be important, even in solid state batteries...
“Is this hell?”
obligatory? we should all buy m3s instead
+1. that shark gray is killer... yeah the sea wolf gray looks like ass
There can’t be too many Bugeye WRXs in this kind of shape.
I love how dumbfucks like you can rejoice in its shutdown, yet still take the time to post here. Grow up.
RIP Jez, sorry to hear the news. Hope everyone who works here can land safely at a different gig.
I hate to hit everyone with CA1 over the head, as it’s such a common highway to tout, but driving it on an early, EARLY spring morning north of Malibu headed up to Santa Barbara is just... sublime. Like, there’s nothing like it anywhere in the rest of the country.
Of all the songs on this list, Bolton’s cover is among the least deserving, and I’m not even a fan of his music. It’s a pretty solid performance overall, and gets a bad rap.
hard agree. it actually looks a ton better.
quite the uplifting story
If they can’t make a decent car at $46,000+, what makes you think they can do it for less than a third of that?
I always had aims of getting one but my family grew a little too fast. 5 kids... so, straight the sienna for me, do not pass go, do not collect 299 dollars.
take the old Z31 design. add ground effects. shorten front bumper.