Pit Pat

Of course it’s a projection. Nobody here has a time machine. But the bean counters at the studios have perfected this game, and it’s highly unlikely their projections will not come true.

Cool, I like how the video isn’t just tracking the parked cars/cars in the bus lane, but basically EVERYTHING ELSE on the road, too. Because, you know, fuck you.

This is Titanfall 2 ‘Effect and Cause’ taken to the next step.  I always felt like that level was just brilliant and held so much more potential beyond just a single level in a game.  Glad to see others developing this idea, even if it’s not to full polish.

I am one of the editors hired to work on this. Say all the shit you want, but this is gonna be fun to work on.

meh, i think it looks fuckin great

wait, what? you mean all that gouging at stealerships wasn’t best business practices?

I myself am a huge blade runner fan. I should also add that I don’t care whether this truck is a blockbuster or a failure, honestly no skin in the game either way. But I’m completely nonplussed at the notion that the Cybertruck in any way represents the aesthetic from Blade Runner. I mean, can we honestly say that the

As regulations evolve, one would hope governments will figure out how to reasonably deploy this technology without leading us right off the cliff into Minority Report territory. I mean, they probably won’t, but a guy can dream, can’t he?

first: I am super sorry to hear your mom is coping with cancer. I hope she can get through it all.

your embedded video has gone private. here’s an alternative on the ol twitter

$300k for the Merc, OR just ~$50k more and get a fucking FIGHTER JET. Anyone with this type of bank account should know exactly which one gets bought first.

It’s not, anymore. It’s not The Incredibles 2 but it certainly isn’t a bomb either. And it’s got legs...

That has never happened to me. I have never seen the airline hold a plane unless a gate agent has called in advance to hold it. Airlines never hold a plane otherwise.

IKR?  It just all seemed so legit from the get-go.  I’m shocked

people buy things

wait a fuckin minute, does that mean she’s on the same planet as the Navi? is james cameron cool wtih this

Fair point, but I think there’s too many people out there that think buying a fancy toy will actually make them measurably happier in life. ultimately, things rarely make us truly happy.

You’re assuming that the people doing this activity are super wealthy... I would bet you’d be surprised. A person of medium-high means, say, makes $200k/year, owns a house worth $1mm- they could probably secure an equity line on their home, rope together the $500k necessary, and flip this thing for a tidy $50-70k. 

Logan Paul is truly the ultimate huckster, low-life carnival barker of our time. Mocking suicide, literally robbing his fans through his NFT bullshit, and then poisoning them with this ass-water.

Christ... buying a car like that instead of something cheaper/more reliable, putting the rest aside for an appreciating asset, like stocks or real estate? Like, do people not understand this shit?