Pit Pat

Meh, ‘Teslathon’ doesn’t quite roll off the tongue the way ‘Toyotathon’ does...

Whoever this was will likely have zero recollection of saying awful shit like this... i understand calling him out but i highly doubt it will move anyone like this to reconsider their attitudes. for knuckle-draggers like that, spewing out hateful garbage is like having lunch, or walking... its just normal everyday

For you? How about for 80-90% of all truck owners. Most full-size pickups are nothing but dressed up grocery haulers for people who think they’re gonna need towing capacity or lug drywall to a work site- but they never will.

come on now, it’s worked for some fictional characters

Literally everything you’re accusing him of, Trump has also done. And I don’t think Trump is senile either.

Its indisputable that poor Feinstein has lost her marbles. But Biden is generally still pretty sharp. Forgetting a few people’s names- when you’re interacting/working with hundreds or maybe even thousands of people on a frequent basis- a senile person does not make.

kind of tired of the Biden-mental-decline narrative. He’s coped with a stutter his entire fucking life and now detractors are leveraging that as pseudo-dementia; it’s not.  Dude is still pretty fucking sharp.

have you actually seen Django? Tarantino plays an Australian slaver that gets blasted to bits by TNT

Kind of odd that you mention 2 Subarus, both made in Lafayette, IN, as official cars of somewhere else.

?? I think you mean Venus. Venus is a toxic shithole that incinerates most everything that enters its atmosphere. Mars, while still a shithole, doesn’t have a habit of killing spacecraft, at least not that often.

I’ve never been to any standard retailer who’s been willing to haggle over the price of a new appliance. Never tried it with furniture. Of course, in the world of secondary markets (Craigslist, FB Marketplace), I’m all about haggling, and have no problem with it.

Dealer pricing is something that has always completely escaped me. We pay a fixed price for virtually all other new items, why on earth does a new car have to be haggled over? Even new-construction homes generally follow a fixed price.

ugh you know her kid is throwing half of that away.  what a fucking waste of food and plastic.  i fucking hate seeing shit like this

One can only assume this type of propulsion has been discussed at spacex, but instead they’ve gone all-in on starship, so who knows what the ultimate logic is behind that

Yeah, my without looking at a side-by-side my initial impressions were ‘oof, there’s just something deformed about it’- McLaren would never design a car to look like that... and then when you do see them side by side you realize the subtle but myriad differences that turn it from kinda stubby and malformed into jaw-dro

or we could stop spending hundreds of billions of dollars on these drugs and focus on the root causes of obesity, ie. dogshit western diet, lack of diet education, high stress levels/overwork, lack of access to healthy food/food deserts, etc. but yay for science, i guess

like him or hate him, Elon Musk once said “prototyping is easy, production is hard,” which is pretty spot on. lotus has always been a relatively tiny company; i’m sure bringing their production to scale will continue to be problematic

If Zas really got his way- really, truly, honestly- Discovery-owned channels would be nothing but House Hunters and Chip and Joanna-grade dogshit. Seriously, it’s bad enough that all he’s known for is cost-cutting, but it’s even worse that he seems to lack a single shred of taste in his entire being.
