Pit Pat

i mean, put these two in combination and you’re just a few ponies shy of an aventador

That’s a big if. IF Tucker Carlson raped baby goats, that would be pretty awful. But it might actually change a few people’s opinion of him, even those who rely on internet forums for their info.

“You can’t have a free society if people aren’t allowed to say what they think is true.”

People bellyaching about how suspect this is regarding the costs don’t know how much more $$$ go into outfitting a LE vehicle, esp. an interceptor. There’s a good number of upgrades that will need to happen to these cars.

Have you ever spent time in Pasadena? Winters there are beautiful. 50s in the eve, 65 in the day. July and August roast, there’s usually at least a week or two of 100+ temps.

double double: grilled onions, no tomato. thats the most sublime fast food burger there is. i live in the midwest now, and everyone thinks culver’s is better, but alas, they’re wrong.

im sorry, but robotech has this in spades. the veritech and cyclone are easily two of the coolest goddamned vehicles in all of animation.

You call it bullshit, and then proceed to give all the evidence that it’s not.

the knee-jerk reaction to this is: “WTF bro you suck!!”... but its actually the best of all worlds...  all of the other suggestions seem well-intentioned and ‘fair’ but would be a nightmare to implement. tracking mileage? individually measuring GVW?? are you fucking kidding me, that’s just going to be a mess.

while nearly halfway through the current console generation

If painting: “Man-love rules OK”, “Country and Western is Rubbish”, “Hillary for President, “NASCAR sucks” and “I’m bi” on each other’s cars and driving through Alabama isn’t one of the funniest goddamned things you’ve watched, you haven’t watched enough Top Gear.

thanks for posting a link to the trailer :/

“We know that this is the most dangerous thing that we do. These are 3,000-pound bullets that are driving around our city at very high speeds,”


Is it safe to assume that after the guy said “tough luck” he continued by saying “Tap tap no take-backsies!”, and that said guy was 7?  otherwise he sorely deserved a boot to the nuts

I’d be surprised if this doesn’t eventually turn into a class-action lawsuit earning all those who bought the package an individually small but significant in aggregate settlement.

i think 2o2i was being sarcastic??  ease up bud

thank you, was about to post the same thing.  WTF is this?  sloppy writing or some sort of code-speak for the Jalop enlightened?

I mean, video games as a mainstream entertainment are only about 40-45 years old, so, it kinda tracks